Fred Alexander and his Players
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, William Mclnulty )
Conduotor, David Curry
Bible reading from Acts 22-28 and comment by the Rt. Rev. J. C. Heenan, D.D ., Roman Catholic Bishop of Leeds
It could happen today
2 — ' Magistrates' Court '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Eich Iechyd
Malcolm Lockyer and his Concert Orchestra
Grete Scherzer (piano)
Anton Dermota (tenor) with Hilde Dermota (piano) on gramophone records
Rondo in D (K.4S5) (Mozart)' Pongs:
Der Nussbaum; Die Lotosblume ( Schumann)
Six Waltzes (Schubert)
Prelude in E flat m.inor (Marx)
Prelude, Op. 12 No 7 (Prokofiev) Songs:
NimmersaMe Liebe (Hugo Wolf )
Zueignung; Standchen (R. Strauss )
Interval Music
At the name of Jesus (S.P. 392. omitting vv. 2, 3, 6, and 7; A. and M 306. omitting vv. 2. 3. 4, and 7: C H 178 nmittinsr vv. 2 and 5; P. and H. 80. omitting v. 4: Tune, Evelyns
Interlude: 'The Story of Christ's
Passion '—1
Prayers: the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola; the Lord's Prayer
Ride on. ride on. in majesty (S.P.
137: A. and M 99: C.H. 92: P. and H. 62: Tune. Winchester New)
NATURE STUDY. Nature Quiz (BBC recording)
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh service.
Sing to the Lord a joyful song (BBC
Hymn Book 19)
Npw Every Morniing, page 68 Psalm 148 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 25. vv. 1-13
0 Jesus, I have promised (BBC
Hymn Book 360)
Oscar Rabin and his Band
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Storiau: 10— Sebon y Diteetif.
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT 1, by Christine Trodd
11.20 GENERAL sriENCE. Animals with Backbones. 6-Mammals. by Richard Palmer.
11.40 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. Na.tural Science and Supernatural Religion. 10-' How does the Christian Know? ' R. Gregor Smith talks about the importance of faith and of revelation as Christian ways of knowing truth.
Lupino Lane calls on some of his friends and asks them to choose their favourite records
from a canteen in Belfast
with Peter Cavanagh, Denis Goodwin, Frank Murphy and the Kenny Thompson Trio
Tom Davidson at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A spontaneous discussion by Ralph Wightman. John Arlotit
Denzil Batchelor , Nigel Balchin
From the R.A.F. Station.
Hullavinglon, Wiltshire
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' The Strange Adventures of a Toy Soldier,' by Cyril Beaumont , adapted for broadcasting by Sam Langdon
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH II. Book Review: a talk by Edmund Penning-Rowsell illustrated by readings
2.45 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. Today there are questions, mainly on previous programmes, and listeners are asked to take an aotive part. Script by Margo Lawrie
Regional Variations (2)
Debate: ' That Youth deplores this age into which it is born.' Teams from Ruskin College, and the Oxford Federation of Community Associations.
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic service.
Light Music String Ensemble directed by Max Jaffa with Howell Glynne (baritone)
An autobiographical sketch of a community
The first of a series of half-hour programmes in which the changes that have overcome a London borough - Bermondsey - in the last half century or so are illustrated through the voices of its people.
Today: What Bermondsey thinks of itself
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. Story. Play about Michelangelo. Talk on music.
Children's Hour in Welsh. Talk. ' Arabella Penn '—5. Serial.
For Younger Listeners
A Nursery Sing-Song with Doris and Trevor and Mabel Hardy at the piano
"Happy's Apple": story by Penny Lane, told by Herbert Smith
5.25 For Children of Most Ages
Five Pounds to Spend
John Merrett gives the results of the competition he set on February 23. followed by "Strange as it may seem..." - a talk by Hugh Barty-King
Shipping and general weather forecasts followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
Keeping Livestock Healthy by a veterinary surgeon
The speaker, who holds a Chair in Preventive Medicine, explains ways and means by which farmers themselves can do much to reduce the heavy losses caused by animal disease.
Regional Variations (6)
Con Docherty (cinema organ).
Choir Night: Kingsbury Episcopi Women's Institute Choir: Frederick Lunnon (violin).
News in Welsh.
Talking Football.
Impressions of the winter problems of training establishments at the start of the flat racing season.
with Vic Oliver as host and Master of Ceremonies
Janet Brown
Sylvia Campbell
* Percy Edwards
Michael Langdon
Alfred Marks
David Nixon
Sylvia Peters
Regional Variations (4)
The Fifty-One Society. Discussion: 'Compulsory Education-Menace to Civilisation?' Guest speaker: Eric Ashby.
As North
Programme about the tourist industry in Wales.
Geith A. Plimmer , a member of a Christian Science Church in London, explains what sort of sermons are used in his church. how it is governed, and what is its purpose
An opera in four acts
Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte
Music by Mozart
English version by Edward J. Dent
Cast in order of singing:
Sadler's Wells Orchestra
(Leader, Walter Price )
Producer, Dennis Arundell
Scene: The Countess's boudoir
From Sadler's Wells Theatre, London
with Nicholas Parsons and Dora Bryan
BBC Men's Chorus
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A twice-weekly series of programmes on current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
Regional Variations (5)
As North
BBC Northern Orchestra. Concerto Grosso No. 18 in B flat (Handel); Symphony No. 1 in F minor (Shostakovich) ; Overture, Semiramis (Rossini).
Maurice Little and his Music.
Records chosen by Bideford Gramophone Society.
Margaret Bissett (contralto)
Josephine Lee (piano)
Alte Liebe, Op. 72 No. 1
Auf dem See, Op. 59 No. 2
Es hing der Reif, Op. 106 No. 3 Des Madchen, Op. 95 No. 1
A radio play by Jean Grimod
Adapted from the French, by Helena Wood