Frank Walker and his Miniature Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader. Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
Jesus, as seen by St. Mark
Bible reading with comment by the Rev. F. D. Coggan, D.D.
' Jesus, Controller of the storm '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh light music.
Gramophone records
by Edwin Benbow
by Patrick Anderson
The speaker describes how he solved the Christmas shopping problem in Singapore by making himself a present of a small grey gibbon, which became an alarmingly affectionate member of the household.
Gramophone records of movements from his Lord Nelson Mass
Behold, the mountain of the Lord
(BBC Hymn Book 485)
New Every Morning, page 37 Psalm 84 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 6. vv. 27-38
Father, we thank thee (BBC Hymn
Book 201)
Tommy Kinsman and his Dance Orchestra
and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket: T. N. Pearce'a Xt v. The Australians.
and his Latin-American Music
Michael Miles introduces
The Coronets
Gate Eastley
Professional Protégé
Guy Loraine
Eileen Murphy
Your Favourite Musical Comedy
Tessa Smallpage
Top of the Bill
Kenway and Young
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Produced by Trafford Whitelock
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conducted by Lou Whiteson with Edward Rubach and Robert Docker (two pianos)
The Tanner Sisters
Eddie Calvert , Max Bygraves
The Harold Smart Quartet
Ron Goodwin and his Concert Orchestra on gramophone records
and his Band with Nadia Dore
(Jack While and his Band are appearing at the Astoria Dance Salon, London)
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Richard Adeney (flute)
by Anthony Trollope
Adapted for broadcasting by H. Oldfield Box
Episode 3
Regional Variations (2)
As North
Rena Edwards (soprano)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Maurice Loban (viola)
Ross Pratt (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket: further commentary.
A talk by Ian Finlay
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. Snow Treasure—2: play by Eve Howland Musical Interlude. Hunchie the Husky— 2. storv by R. N. Stewart.
For Younger Children
' Prince Simon's Journey': a story by W. G. Robertson , told by Fenella
For Older Children
' Lord of the Four Winds'
A new serial play by Peter Hayes
2—' The Valley of Tombs'
Production by David Davis
The key to the lost tomb of the Pharaoh Horeb-Set III is in two parts. One is an ancient papyrus that Major Cavendish, the archaeologist, has translated, and the'other is a small golden scorp'on that has fallen into the hands of the shady Cairo antique dealer, Alexis, and his partner, Maxwell Craie. Craig's attempt to steal the manuscript from the Cavendish expedition has failed. Maior Cavendish has been tricked into examining an empty mummy-case and has disappeared.
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
New?, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is actress Peggy Cummins. Show more
Regional Variations (5)
Records chosen by Keith Hamilton Price.
Blackpool Night: an evening a.t the seaside with some of the artists appearing on the West Lancashire coast.
As North
Gwasanaeth Hwy,rol.
Directed by Cyril Stapleton in ' Melody Land ' with The Stargazers, Julie Dawn
Bill McGuffie , Harold Smart
The Show Band Singers
Introduced by Rikki Fulton Producer, Johnnie Stewart
by Alistair Cooke
See top of page
Part 1
Julian Herbage writes on page 27
Regional Variations (2)
Island Crofter: a study by James Shaw Grant of the way of life of the crofter in Lewis.
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Iain MacSween (tenor). Gaelic Songs
A series of reminiscent talks by Bertrand Russell, O.M.
5-Joseph Conrad
Bertrand Russell 's friendship with Joseph Conrad was an unusual one. They did not meet often: they disagreed, superficially, on a great many issues. But the philosopher and the novelist found that on a deeper level there was a bond of sympathetic understanding between them.
from the National Radio Show, Earls Court with Maurice Denham and Dora Bryan
BBC Men's Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Script bv
Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
Regional Variations (3)
Iomradh ann an Gaidhlig. News in Gaelic.
Ulster Anthology, 8-' The State Prisoners at Fort Gecrge in 1798': readings selected by E. R. R. Green from the work of prose writers of the 17th to the 19th century
(piano) on gramophone records