Charles Ernesco and his Sextet
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, William McInulty)
Conductor, David Curry
A talk by Mrs. Maude Brayshaw ' Thy Kingdom come: Thy will be done, on earth, as it is done in Heaven.'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Quartet in E minor (Aus meinem Leben) played by the Aeolian String Quartet: Sydney Humphreys (violin)
Colin Sauer (violin)
Watson Fonbes (viola)
John Moore (cello)
by Ronald S. Hutton
In 1942 Mr. Hutton was living in Ankara, the Turkish capital. In this talk he describes a visit to the local headman of a village fifteen miles away, and the entertainment he received there.
and his Orchestra
Reynolds Payne and his Orchestra
Gramophone records of the first movement from Symphony No. 1, two movements from the Cello Concerto, and ' The Wand of Youth ' Suite No. 2
Short story written and read by Charles McAra
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from the headquarters of the British Sailors' Society, East London
with The Joe Saye Trio, Shirley Abicair, Gladys Hay, Cyril Fletcher
James Moody at the piano
Harold Smart at the organ
Presented by Bill Gates
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Questions of the moment discussed spontaneously by Ralph Wightman , Jack Longland
The Rt. Hon.
Herbert Morrison , C.H., M.P.
Ted Leather , M.P.
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From the Brfdgemary Community
Centre, Gosport, Hampshire Produced by Michael Bowen
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Raymond Cohen (violin)
from Hereford Cathedral
Versicles and Responses (
William Byrd )
Pselma 73 and 74 (Oxford Psalter)
First Lesson: Deuteronomy 2, vv. 26-
37; and 3, vv. 1-5
Magnificat (Jackson in 0) Second Lesson: Acts 2, vv. 22-47 Nunc dimittds (Jackson in G) Creed. Suffrages. Collects
Anthem: Jesus lives! (words as E.H.
134: H. K. Andrews )
Organ Voluntary: Wir glauben all' an e.inen Gotit (Bach)
Organist and Master of the Choristers
Meredith Davies
The second in a senes of fortnightly programmes in which Brian Johnston takes the microphone to the site of a house being builit in the village of Wraysbury in Buckinghamshire
Today he finds out the progress being made, talks to the men on the job about the secrets of their trade, and discusses with them their problems and difficulties in building a home.
Betty Hutton and Ralph Meeker in ' Somebody Loves Me *
An adaptation from the sound-track of the Paramount Technicolor presentation
Adapted by Gordon Gow
Produced by Thurstan Holland
(Postponed from March 31)
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Reminiscences, with gramophone records, old and new
The Chancellor of the Exchequer The Rt. Hon. R. A. Butler M.P. ,
For the Government
Written by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens with the Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray
Announcer, Andrew Timothy
Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott Programme edited by Jimmy Grafton
Produced by Peter Eton