A reading for Easter Day
'An Easter Dream' by C.A. Alington
Read by Arthur Bush
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Charles Williams and his Concert Orchestra with Marguerite Wolff (piano)
Overture. Preciosa (Weber): Turin
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Mario Rossi
Clarineit Concerto in A (K.622)
(Mozart): Reginald Kell (clarinet) with the Zimbler Sinfonietta
Adagietio from Symphony No. 5
(Mahler): Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Bruno Waiter on gramophone records
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
' Beethoven in 1803,' by Trevor Harvey
' Carl Nielsen , Symphonist,' by D. Hugh Ottaway
' Have' You Brought Your Music? 2-Late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries,' by Mark Lubbock
Five experts on art, films, theatre, radio, and books
Conducted by Roger Manvell
Art: Denis Mathews
Films: E. Arnot Robertson
Theatre: Iain Hamilton
Radio: Tom Hopkinson
Books: Daniel George
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Listeners' questions about the countryside answered by Eric Hobbis , Maxwell Knight and Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland
Produced by Bill Coysh
A light-hearted romance of Regency days
Dramatised for broadcasting by Phillip Dobson from the novel by Georgette Heyer
Produced in the BBC's North of England studios
See 'Drama Diary' on page 21
Who Would True Valour See
A series of Bible plays on St. Paul
Written and produced by J. Stanley Pritchard
7 - 'Strange Courage'
5.25 Children's Service
From Moulin Kirk, Pitlochry.
Conducted by the Minister, the Rev. Donald F. Findlay
Blest morning, whose first dawning rays (C.H. 116, omitting v. 3: Tune, Crediton)
Lesson: St. Luke 24, vv. 1-12
Can wings of living light? (C.H. 117, vv. 1-5)
Father of peace, and God of love!
(Paraphrase 60; Tune, St. Paul)
Prayers and the Lord's Prayer
Jesus Christ is risen today (C.H. 119)
Vesper hymn: Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me (C.H. 654)
Praise led by the children of Moulin and Pitlochry Sunday schools
Organist, Ernest S. Treasure
For the Children - page 39
Shipping and general weather forecasts followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
The BBC's team of correspondents in New York reports on the week's proceedings
Nina Milkina (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Paul Sacher
by Charles Dickens
Adapted and produced by Charles Lefeaux in twelve episodes
Among the most frequent callers at the Nicklebys' cottage is Frank Cheeryble, nephew to the brothers, who is clearly losing his heart to Kate. Smike's health gives rise to anxiety.
Mr. Cheeryble, wishing to give financial assistance to the young and beautiful Madeline Bray, daughter of his childhood sweetheart, who lives in distress with her ailing and unkind father, asks Nicholas to act as his representative.
Newman Noggs overhears the miser, Arthur Gride, plotting with Ralph Nickleby to marry Madeline and so possess himself of the fortune which, unknown to her, will be hers when she marries. Meanwhile, Nicholas has fallen in love with her.
The third of four programmes in a Coronation series
KING GEORGE Vby Sir Compton Mackenzie
Narrator, Duncan Mclntyre
Principal reader, Norman Shelley
Producer, Christopher Sykes
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
' Christ is risen '
Now the green blade riseth (BBC
Hymn Book 109)
St. John 20. vv. 1-18
When Mary through the garden went
1 Corinthians 15, w. 20-22