Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Light music played by the New Casino Orchestra
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey
Bible reading and comment on the life of St. Paul by J. Stanley Pritchard
4 — ' Why do we do it? '
Romans 7. vv. 14-25
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Ian Blair (baritone)
Tessa Bloom (piano)
Talk by Vernon Soannell
The speaker talks about some aspects of life. and especially night life, in that cosmopolitan patrt of London called Soho.
music AND MOVEMENT it, by Marjorie Eele
Feast of St. George
Rejoice! the Lord is King (BBC
Hymn Book 128)
New Every Morning, page 33
Canticle 12 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 4. vv. 23-35
Lord. while for all mankind we pray
(BBC Hymn Book 432)
The Filmay Light Orchestra
Conductor, W. Bunny May
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred
11.20 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. Health at Home and at Work. Tracking down the Vitamins. 1—The Story of Scurvy. Script by F. Le Gros Clark.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. Wer weiss es? Sie werden einige Szenen hören, und wir werden Sie bitten, ein paar Fragen zu beantworten. Manuskript von Else Johannsen-Wagner
from a canteen in Peterborough
with Arnie Kitson, The Burt Twins, Paula Grey, Harold Berens
Roma Clarke at the piano
Presented by Philip Garston-Jones
and forecast for farmers and shipping
NATURESTUDY. ' Shrews,' by Eric Palmar
2.15 THE MUSIC box, by Gordon Reynolds
2.25 HISTORY II. 'Russia at the turn of the Century.' The story of a Russian family in a village oh a tributary of the River Volga, under the rule of the Tstr. They hear of the revolution of 1905. Script by Philippa Pearce
2 50 STORIES AND RHYMES.The Twelve Brothers ': a story from Grimm
by Walter Greenwood
Adapted by Mollie Greenhalgh
Production by Ayton Whitaker
A springtime programme of Elizabethan madrigals sung by the boys of George Dixon
Grammar School, Birmingham
Conductor, Geoffrey Fletcher
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed bv a detailed forecast for Sou'tii-East England
Farm Radio and Television in the U.S.A. by Harry C. Hunt
Harry Hunt , the BBC's agr cultural liason officer, recently returned from a study tour of the United States under a W. K. Kellogg Foundation Fellowship. During his fifteen-week tour he travelled some 13,000 miles and visited twenty-four States. He talks about some of one farming he saw and explains how the Extension Service helps to keep the farmer abreaxt with information through Press and radio
Amadeus String Quartet :
Norbert Brainin (violin) Siegmund Nissel (violin)
Peter Schidlof (viola) Martin Lovett (cello)
with Kitty Bluett
Peter Sellers. Patricia Hayes
Patricia Gilbert , Charles Hawtrey
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script bv Eddie Maguiire
George Wadmore. and Ted Ray
Produced by George Inns
Repeated tomorrow at 7.30 (Light)
See top of page
Sonata No. 13, in D played by Szymon Goldberg (violin) and Gerald Moore (piano) on gramophone records
with Wallas Eaton , The Keynotes
(Joy Nichols is appearing in Wonderful Time at the London Hippodrome; Jimmy Edtcards in ' London Laughs ' at the Adelphi Theatre, London)