Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Directed by David Wolfsthal
A talk for Epiphany by Stephen Usherwood
' St. Augustine in England '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Patients' requests introduced and played by Dudley Savage at the cinema organ.
BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader. Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Norman Tattersall (baritone)
Alfred Cave (violin)
Josephine Lee (piano)
First of two talks by Guy Cole
The speaker describes an adventurous voyage in a small sailing yacht across the Atlantic. The crossing took twenty-s.x days
music AND MOVEMENT it, by Marjorie Eele
Through all the changing scenes of life (BBC Hymn Book 481)
New Every Morning, page 76 Psalm 130 (Broadcast Psaiter) 6t. Matthew 5, w. 38-48
Jow are thy servants blest, 0 Lord
(BBC Hymn Book 305)
The Regent Orchestra
Conducted by John Thorpe
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred
11.20 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. S-ience Helps the Doctor. 1-' Percussion and the Stethoscope.' Script written by J. G. Porter
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. BunteS Allerlei: Haben Sie bitte Schreibzeug fleich bei der Hand und versuchen S.e. die Fragen zu beantworten. Manuskript von Else Johannsen-Wagner
Regional Variations (4)
Barbara Delano Laing (soprano).
Farming Today: news, market reports, talk by Alfred Hall on the second world food survey.
As North
Overseas Farming
An edited version of ' Land and Livestock,' the farming magazine programme broadcast every week in the General Overseas Service
from a research establishment near Salisbury with Bernard Miles
Margot Andersen
Bob Monkhouse
The Keynotes
The Ron Millington Trio
Presented by Duncan Wood
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (6)
As North
The Week Ahead: preview.
Regional Variations (2)
Introduced by Leslie Mitchell
This week's edition includes the following recorded items:
The Film Alphabet: 0 is for Office ': Jeanne Heal introduces Hal Mason
A visit to the set of ' The Red Beret,' A Warwick Film production at Shepperton Studios, including interviews with Alan Ladd , Susan Stephen , and Lana Morris
Scenes that made them famous-12. Peter Noble relates the turning-point in the career of Richard Attenborough
(Continued in next column)
Excerpts from the sound-track of the Associated British-Marble Arch production1 ' The Yellow Balloon,' star-ring Andrew Ray , Kathleen Ryan , Kenneth More , and William Silvester
Script written by Michael Storm
Produced by Pat Osborne
NATURE STUDY. 'Bats.' by Scott Kennedy.
') 15 THE music box, by Gordon Reynolds
2.25 HISTORY II. I I Fought the French': a sergeant in the Guards tells of the war against Napoleon, and what came after it. Script by Lydia Ragosin
2.50 STORIES AND RHYMES. ' Pear-blossom', a folk-tale from Korea, adapted for broadcasting by Leila Davies
John Lade introduces gramophone records of music for the organ
.byCharlotte Hastings
Adapted for broadcasting by Peggy Wells
Cast in order of speaking:
Production by Ayton Whitaker
Regional Variations (5)
As North
Children's Hour. ' Black Banner Players': play."
Children's Hour.
Children's Hour: including Diary of a Hill Farmer.
' More Tales of Pebblings Village ' : a new series of stories by Modwena Sedgwick , told by David. 3—' The Stolen Sledge'
5.15 'Who Killed Cock Robin ?' and other songs sung by the BBC Men's Chorus
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate with Stanley Riley (baritone)
At the piano, Frederick Stone
'Winter Cycling': a talk by Ronald English
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
The World's Food and Ours
Sir James Scott Watson ,
C.B.E., M.C.
Chief Scientific Adviser to the Ministry of Agriculture introduces
Frank McDougall , c.m.g. of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations The argument continues as to whether the world is facing famine or whether farmers can produce food for all. Mr. McDougall, who has been connected with F.A.O. since it began, speaks of the world outlook; and Sir James Scott Watson examines the problem from the point of view of the United Kingdom, which is the world's largest food importer.
Regional Variations (2)
Choir Practice, taken by Herbert Wiseman.
Directed by Reg Pursglove
Sylvia Cecil (soprano)
Regional Variations (6)
As North.
Make Up Your Minds.
Speak your Mind: People from South Molton in Devon comment on listeners' questions.
Story of Royal Ulster Rifles
Legal Aid was Granted
A further series of adventures from the exciting early days of the famous Force with Alan Tilvern , Barry Lowe John Glen , George Cross
Written by Max Kester
Produced by Jacques Brown
Regional Variations (3)
Sybil Jones (piano).
Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra; Iris Loveridge (piano). Wagner; Haydn; Delius.
The Golden Age Singers :
Margaret Field-Hyde (soprano) John Whitworth (counter-tenor)
René Soames (tenor)
Gordon Clinton (baritone) with Elsie Suddaby (soprano)
Directed by Margaret Field-Hyde
Before an audience in the Concert Hall. Broadcasting House, London
Wynford Vaughan Thomas and Henry Riddell visit the Oceanographical Exhibition, organised by the Royal Geographical Society and the National Institute of Oceanography
From the Royal
Geographical Society, Kensington
with Kitty Bluett
Peter Sellers , Patricia Hayes
Patricia Gilbert , Charles Hawtrey
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Eddie Maguire
George Wadmore and Ted Ray
Produced by George Inns
Regional Variations (2)
How Right is the Customer? discussion: L. Howies; H. Lyn Jones; R. S. Snellimg. Chairman, Hywel Davies.
What is Work?
A discussion
Taking part are:
John Mogey (in the Chair)
Professor Adam Curle
Denys Bullard M.P. ,
Clifford Slaughter
Ruth Sinker
The speakers try to define, in the light of their own experience, the meaning of work, and ask whether our attitudes to it are largely personal or whether they are affected by the structure of society.
See page 3
with Wallas Eaton , The Keynotes
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Script by Frank Muir and Denis Norden
Produced by Charles Maxwell
Regional Variations (2)
Science Review: ' Rest and Sleep,' by Philip Eggleton, D.SC.
Making Germs Work by F. E. Warner , A.M.i.chem.E.
Historic examples of making germs work are bread-making and brewing by the use of yeasts; more recent examples, the production of penicillin and othsr antibiotics. In this talk the speaker, a chemical engineer, reviews the situation today and indicates what he thinks will be the direction of future developments.
Regional Variations (3)
Hymn-Singing. Y.M.C.A., Mixed Voice Choir
Gaelic talk on crofting.
Moments musicaux, Op. 94 (Schubert)
No. 1, in C
No. 2. in A flat
No. 3. in F minor on gramophone records