Ian Stewart and his Quintet
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
Readings from the Gospel according to St. Luke
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
by Celia Arieli
by Alistair Cooke
RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. Does God Exist? 'The Righteous God '-I. Noel Annan , Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, discusses some explanations of man's moral sense.
Lancefrom Falla 's ballet played by the National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Enrique Jorda on gramophone records
Come down, 0 Love divine (BBC
Hymn Book 149)
New Every Morning, page 44 Psalm 86 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 14. vv: 1-9
Breathe on me. breath of God (BBC
Hymn Book 148)
Band of the Grenadier Guards
Conducted by Major F. J. Harris , M.B.E.
Director of Music
SINGING TOGETHER, by William Appleby
11.20 HOW THINGS BEGAN. 6-Giant Reptiles rule tiie World. Material compiled by Richard Palmer. Dramatic presentation by Honor Wyatt.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE French. Le depart de Marie-Madeleine: Aujourd'hui Marie-Madeleine prend l'autobus pour se rendre & Saint-Germain-en-Laye chez tante Mélanie. Texte de Paule Deglon
accents the rhythm with Winifred Davey
Peter Akister , Micky Greeve
Guest artist,
Fela Sowande (electric organ)
Profiles and personalities from the world of Variety
Michael Hill , Dan Douglas
Betty Whitehead , James Reavey
Avril Angers with the augmented
Northern Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth
Produced by Richard Kelly
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Vera Florence
Introduced by Frederick Allen
Master of Ceremonies, A. J. Latimer
Producer. Stanton Jefferies
(Continued in next column)
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. The Boy who Became a Painter ': a story about Han Kan , a Chinese painter of the T'ang period (A.D. 618-906). Script by Robert Gittings
2.20 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' Macavity, the Mystery Cat,' and Growltiger's Last Stand, from ' Old
Possum's Book of Practical Cats,' by T. S. Eliot
2.30 let's JOIN IN. ' Still more tales about Rufty Tufty ,' by Ruth Aine worth
2.50 ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. Mendelssohn: an illustrated talk by Reginald Jacques
Conducted by John Summerson
Theatre: M. R. Ridley
Books: Desmond FitzGerald
Radio: Rose Macaulay Art: Colin Maclnnes
Films: Roger Manvell
Regional Variations (3)
I Prescribe: patients' requests introduced by Maurice Shillington
Matinee Concert. Northern School of Music Wind Ensemble. Haydn; Mozart; Lefebvre.
Gramophone records
Presented by Robert Farnon
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Children's Hour: play.
' The Borrowers': a serial story in twelve instalments, written by Mary Norton , told by David
5—' Arrietty meets the Boy '
5.15 Singers in Consort
Sidney Horwood. Alexander Keith
John Frost. S. Taylor Harris
Richard Wood
Rex Stephens (piano)
Directed by Richard Wood
5.30 For Your Bookshelf
Michael Bell reviews some of the new books for children
5.50 This week's programmes
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
A Zoologist's View of the Fox Talk by Maurice Burton , d.sc
The zoologist naturally takes a different view of the fox from that taken by the hunter and the farmer.
Regional Variations (4)
West-Country Composers. Frederick Harvey (baritone): BBC West of England Light Orchestra.
Cliff Deelev and his Orchestra.
Traditional Music
(Leader, Jean Rennie )
Conductor, Karl Rank ]
Each of Beethoven's symphonies inhabits a world of its own, surpassing its fellows with some special characteristic: the eighth out-distances the others in grace and charm, in gaiety and humour, and in lightness of touch.
Similar qualities differentiate Strauss's
'Till Eulenspiegel ' from his other symphonic poems. This extended scherzo sets forth, with infinite. relish, the escapades and practical jokes of a German rogue of the fourteenth century. We hear him scattering the women in the market-place, preaching a mock sermon, flirting with the girls, and guying a group of learned professors. Eventually the law catches up with him, and he is tried and hanged. In the brief epilogue, Strauss casts an affectionate glance at his disreputable hero, before dismissing him with a roar of laughter. Deryck Cooke
Regional Variations (2)
ford o Siarad. 3-0 Ddyffryn Rhymm. Sir Fynwy. Syr Ifor Williams; Yr Athro Thomas Jones: Dr. Stephen J. Williams.
Six programmes in which, British and American speakers discuss various aspects of American life
4—The Private American
Do Americans spoil their children, glamorise their women, and conform to social patterns that create artificial human relations?
Alicia Street , an American who has kept home in England for some years, and Jean Curtis -Brown, who visited America recently with her daughter, discuss this question
Dr. Margaret Mead , the American anthropologist, presides and interprets
You are welcomed by Jerry Desmonde with The Stargazers
On Stage, Please!
Presenting an interlude by advanced students from the Webber Douglas School of Singing and Dramatic Art
(Continued in next column)
Off the Record
Jonah Barrington introduces the recording celebrity of the week:
Donald Peers
Thanks for the Melody
Hits of yesterday and today played by Peter Yorke and his Concert Orchestra
Ipswich Girls' Choir
Conductor, W. H. Dixon
Production by Ronnie Hill
by Paul Maguire writer and commentator
Im Fruhling (In the Spring)
Auf der Bruck (On Bruck Hill) on gramophone records