Edmundo Ros introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Bobby Pagan at the organ of the Gaumont State,
Kilburn, London
Band of the Grenadier Guards
Conducted by Major F. J. Harris , M.B.E.
Director of Music
' A Matter of Credit' by Stanley Derricourt
Told by Fred Yule
Strict tempo dance music played by Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
at the BBC theatre organ
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Nancy Weir (piano)
A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
Many of our listeners will recall Dan Pig. * I wish,' said a correspondent, after the story was heard for the first time, you could see the faces of these children and hear the roars of laughter when Dan Pig grunts and laughs.' Dan Pig 's amusing noises are exactly in line with a small child's idea of fun. When he stands very still, then startles the dog and the cat with a grunt, he is playing just the kind of trick that small children love. On Thursday the admirers of this rather naughty pig may hear his story again. It was written by P. M. Worvill , and will be told by Daphne Oxenford , who comes on Friday too, with a tale called ' Betsy,' by H. E. Walker. Today, tomorrow, and on Wednesday Dorothy Smith brings back that naughty little sister in the stories by Dorothy Edwards , two of which, ' Going Fishing.' and ' The Wiggly Tooth,' we have heard before. The third is a new one, in which she ' does knitting.'
Elizabeth A. Taylor
A daily programme for women at home
Introduced by . Marjorie Anderson and including
' Cooking on the Side': Mary Dickins gives the last talk in her present series
' A Long Life' by Honor Wyatt: some reflections on the works and character of the Victorian novelist Mrs. Oliphant, whose novel ' Hester ' will be read in Woman's Hour, beginning on November 10
' Jerseys and Cardigans': Mary Hill discusses some of the finer points with Annette Wilson , knitwear buyer for a large store
' I Knew Her': Amabel Williams-Ellis talks about Ray Strachey
Serial: ' The Frenchman and the Lady' by Elizabeth Cadell. Abridged by Evelyn Gibbs. Read by Gladys Young
For the Woman Listener, page 50
' Muted Strings' directed by Reg. Pursglove with Robert Docker and Edward Rubach (two pianos)
Lou Preager and his Orchestra
Last week Sally asked Miss Pink to her cottage for the week-end, and forgetting the invitation told Richard Fulton he could stay there. When she realised what she had done she wrote and put Miss Pink off till the following week-end. When she arrived at the cottage, late on Saturday night, she discovered she still had the letter in her handbag. Mr. Fulton, unable to bear Miss Pink's coyness, locked himself in his bedroom. The Dr. and Mrs. Dale went to Sandbourne for a few days. While they were away, Gwen fell down when fixing some curtains. Dr. Laurie said she was to be kept in bed. Isabel Fielding sent for Mrs. Dale. Peter Kingston and Rob had a row because Jenny had broken her engagement with Peter, and Peter blamed Bob for it.
Adapted for broadcasting by Raymond Byrnes and Monica Mugan from the novel by Irwin Shaw
Characters in order of speaking:
Other parts played by Mary Wimbush and Tony Quinn
Produced by Cleland Finn
at the piano with the Dance Orchestra and Diana Coupland
Johnny Eager and Martin Moreno
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
A drama of the sea
Nautical advice by Capt. A. G. Course
Script by Robert Buckland
A correspondence column of the air
Edited and introduced by Adrian Thomas
Tunes you have asked us to play
Introduced this week by Bernard Braden and starring
Reg Dixon
Pat Kirkwood
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray
The George Mitchell Glee Club
Interruptions by Graham Stark
' Calling All Stars' in which the listeners are invited to request their favourite tunes and choose the stars they wish to perform them
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson
and his Orchestra with Jill Day
Bob Freeman and Bob Dale
' Swan Song' by John Galsworthy
Reader, Ronald Simpson
6—' Soames goes racing '
Light Music String Ensemble directed by Max Jaffa with Marguerite Wolff (piano)