Band of the 15/19 The King's Royal Hussars
Conductor, Mr. R. F. Roy
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
A series of talks by the Ven. C. I. Peacocke
Archdeacon of Down
' Of thy great mercy keep us in the same '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Owen Walters and his* Orchestra
Records of the first two movements of his Symphony in D minor
(Leader, Norman George )
Conducted by Vilem Tausky with Les Howard
Blest be the everlasting God (BBC
Hymn Book 486)
New Every Morning, page 102 Canticle 10 (Broadcast psalter) Genesis 32, vv. 22-30
Let saints on earth in concert sing
(BBC Hymn Book 249)
Joseph Muscant and his Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
News of today's events
From the Olympic Stadium, Helsinki
Charlie Chester and Tony Hancock introduce a programme for Services everywhere
Music Masters
Humphrey Lyttelton and Wally Fawkes
Your Request Favourite
Eric Barker
Lunchtime scoreboard
Adapted for radio by Felix Felton from a short story in ' The Grub Street Nights Entertainments ' by Sir John C. Squire
Other characters played by Patricia Hilliard ' , Richard Williams
Virginia Winter . Nicholas Parsons
Pat Connor , Howard Rose
Antony Kearey , Tony Quinn
by G. M. Wilson
Plays produced by Ayton Whitaker
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
John Hunt (piano)
In May 1821, Weber left Dresden for Berlin to conduct the first performance of his newly-completed opera Der Freischulz. The production was due to take place on June 18; on the morning of that day he put the finishing touches to his Concertstuck for piano and orchestra and played it over to his wife, Caroline, and his pupil, Julius Benedict. A week later, the opera having been received with great enthusiasm, Weber gave a farewell concert in which he appeared as soloist in the Concertstuck. (He was one of the most brilliant pianists of his time and had already two piano concertos to his credit.) The work is in four linked sections: Larghetto affeltuoso, Allegro passionato. Tempo di marcia, and Rondo giojoso. Deryck Cooke
' A Change of Collar': a story by Vera Ingram , told by Lionel Gamlin followed by 'Philippa and the Potent Potion '
A play by William Harris
Production by May Jenkin
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
News of the afternoon's events including recordings
From the Broadcasting Centre at the Olympic Stadium, Helsinki
William Robson-Brown , M.P., gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
with Sid Millward and his Nitwits
Pamela Cundell
Tommy Reilly
Terry Scott
Boscoe Holder and Sheila Clarke
Horace Kenney
David Hughes
Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss
Introduced by Bill Gates
Augmented BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenhoulet
Produced by C. F. Meehan