Light Orchestra
(Leader, William McInulty )
. Conductor, David Curry
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Light Music String Ensemble directed by Max Jaffa
A talk by Katharine Trevelyan
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Andrew Bielecki (tenor)
Clifton Helliwell (accompanist)
Sylvan Trio:
John Francis (flute) Joy Boughton (oboe)
Millicent Silver (piano)
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him (S.P. 624, omitting v. 3; A. and M. 292; C.H. 35: Tune, Austrian Hymn)
Interlude: Albert Schweitzer '
(Continued in next column)
Prayers: the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola; the Lord's Prayer
Jesus shall reign (S.P. 545: A. and M. 220: C.H. 388, omitting v. 2: Tune, Truro)
News commentary
Bernard Monshin and his Rio Tango Band
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY I. 'Robert Carey's Ride': King James VI of Scotland hears of the death of Queen Elizabeth. Script by Antony Brown
visits Bramham. a picturesque village in the West Riding of Yorkshire
Musical illustrations by Violet Carson
Presented by Barney Colehan
from a factory in Birmingham with the Song Pedlars
David Hughes , Beryl Reid
Jack Wilson at the piano
Presented by Philip Garston-Jones
and forecast for farmers and shipping
From the Chapel of Winchester College
Let thy merciful ears, 0 Lord. be open to the prayers of thy humble servants (Thomas Weelkes)
Versicles and Responses Psalm 119, vv. 145-176
First Lesson: Genesis 32, vv. 3-30
Magnificat (Charles Wood in 0) (Double Choir)
Second Lesson: Romans 13
Nunc dimtttis (Charles Wood in 0) Creed: Suffrages: Collects
Anthem: Eternal Father, who didst all create (Stanford)
Eternal Father, who didst all create,
In whom we live and to whose bosom move,
To all men be thy name known, which is Love.
Till its loud praises sound at heaven's high gate.
Perfect thy kingdom in our passing state, That here on earth thou mayest as Weil approve
Our service as thou ownest theirs above Whose joy we echo and in pain await. Grant body and soul each day their daily bread:
And should in spite of grace fresh woe begin,
Even as our anger soon is past and dead,
Be thy remembrance mortal of our sin. By thee in paths of peace thy sheep be led,
And in the vale of terror comforted.
(Robert Bridges)
Prayers and the Grace
Organist and Master of Music
Henry Havergal
Assistant organist, Reginald Moore
(Leader, Colin Sauer )
Conductor, Kathleen Merritt
Joseph Cooper (piano)
Shipping and general weather forecasts,followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Can Education Be Cut?
Can the suggested five per cent cuts be made without altering the character of our educational system
The implications of this proposal are discussed by a group of people whose primary interest is education
Sir Graham Savage formerly Chief Education Officer of the L.C.C.
Ronald Gould
General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers
A. B. Clegg
Director of Education for the West Riding
Major-General Lloyd
Director of Technology of the City and Guilds of London Institutes
Chairman, Jack Longland
Director of Education for Derbyshire