Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Light Music String Ensemble
Directed by Max Jaffa
Readings from the Epistle to the Hebrews
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Gwraig Ty.
Marches and Waltzes on gramophone records
Quartet in D minor, Op. 56
(Voces intimae) played by the Aeolian String Quartet:
Alfred Cave (violin)
Leonard Dight (violin) Watson Forbes (viola)
John Moore (cello)
Jesus, good above all other (S.P.
540, omitting v. 4: Tune, Quem pastores laudavere)
Interlude: Gordon Seagrave '
Prayers; the Prayer for God's
Presence; the Lord's Prayer
Soldiers of Christ, arise (S.P. 641 and C.H. 534. omitting v. 4; A. and M. 270. omitting v. 6: Tune, St. Ethelwald)
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru: Cwrs y Byd.
by Millicent Rose
The speaker, who is a lecturer on the history and architecture of London, describes the interest she finds in the exploration of London and how she goes about it.
News commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
(BBC Hymn Book 508)
New Every Morning, page 47 Psalm 143 (Broadcast psalter) St. Luke 22, vv. 54-71
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
(BBC Hymn Book 351)
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT i, by Marjorie Eele
11.20 HISTORY i. 'The Nine Days Queen': the story of the brief ' reign ' and death of Lady Jane Grey. Script by Rhoda Power
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: Second Stages in Welsh.
Schools: Stories from Scottish History
Impromptu in A flat (Chopin) Berceuse (Chopin)
Valse-Impromptu (Liszt)
The Musical Box (Lyadov)
Study in D sharp minor (Scriabin) on gramophone records
visits St. Dennis a china clay centre in Cornwall
from a canteen in Essex
with Bert Weedon and Andy Wolkowsky, The Beverley Sisters, Leon Cortez
James Moody at the piano
Presented by John Ellison
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened edition of last Saturday's recorded broadcast)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish Affairs.
FOR THE FOURTEENS. Good Radio. 6-' Focus on Interplanetary Travel.' Part 1. Script by Neil Tuson
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. ' La Boutique Fantasque ': Rossini's music, with the story of the ballet told by Eileen Browne
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 11. ' A Strange Adventure in the Life of Miss Laura Mildmay ': a story by Sheridan Le Fanu. adapted for broadcasting by Bea Howe. Part 1
from St. Mary's Friary Church, East Bergholt, Suffolk
Introduction by Father Paulinus Lavery O.F.M. , Guardian
Deus in adjutorium (Victoria) Psalms 122-126 (Plainchant)
Little Chapter (Ecclesiasticus 31, w.
8 and 9) Hymn: Iste confessor (Plainchant)
Magnificat (Four voices, by Gregory Murray , o.s.B.)
The Prayer
Ave Regina coelorum (Aichinger) 0 sacrum convivium (Victoria)
Fr. Aloysius Kelly , o.F.M.
Fr. Boniface Kruger o.F.M. ,
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Granville Jones (violin)
John Colin , who was born at Macclesfield in 1893, studied composition with John H. Foulds. He has played the double bass in the Covent Garden Orchestra since it was formed in 1946. His Three Mood Pictures, written four years ago, have the titles: Contention, Soliloquy, and Badinage.
Grace Williams, one of Wales' leading composers, comes from Barry, Glamorgan. Her Violin Concerto, which is predominantly lyrical in style, was written in 1950 tor Gianville Jones , who has won an enviable reputation both as a soloist and as a player of chamber music.
Harold Rutland
Regional Variations (5)
Awr y Plant: stori: drama gyfres newydd, Y Mynach Du ' — 2.
Children's Hour: story. ' Tammy Troot-Conjurer'; serial play, Down at the Mains.'
Children's Hour: nursery sing-song with Billy Scott-Coombcr and Gwen; story.
As North
'Babbie': a story by Margaret Greely , told by Elizabeth
David Branson (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour: dialogue story: Nature Diary
Harry Mortimer tells you about different Instruments, with illustrations provided by Besses' Boys' Band
Produced by John Lane
Shipping and general weather forecasts followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is writer Compton MacKenzie. Show more
Regional Variations (5)
Scots Serenade.
Hansom Days: old-time dancing.
' Wot Cheor. Geordie' '
As North
Six cases taken from the files of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation in co-operation with J. Edgar Hoover
2-Murder on the High Seas
Introduced by Percy Hoskins chief crime reporter of the Daily Express
Produced by Andrew Allan
Regional Variations (5)
' Back to the Wall ': Carry Hogg talks of a visit to the Roman wall that runs across the North of England.
Show Business some stars of pantomime exchange reminiscences and views about this peculiarly English form of entertainment.
Scottish Bandstand: story of brass bands in various districts of Scotland. 8-Glasgow.
BBC Welsh Chorus: Patricia Kern (contralto).
Gaspard de la Nuit :
Ondine; Le Gibet; Scarbo played by Monique Haas (piano)
Regional Variations (3)
' Coleg Caerfyrddin ': rhaglen nodwedd gan Geraint Dyfnallt Owen.
Arnold of Rugby
See above and page 8
Imperialism Re-Interpreted
The Moral Case for the British Empire
Talk by Sir Norman Angell
(postponed from January 29)
Regional Variations (2)
Swing Your Partner: music of all kinds.
Those Crazy People
Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe
Michael Bentine , Spike Milligan and the Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray , The Stargazers
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Script written by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens and edited by Jimmy Grafton
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson
Regional Variations (2)
A Beating of the Air
A series of four talks on personality as a key to history and its place in shaping the events of the past by C. V. Wedgwood
1-Legend and Reputation
Miss Wedgwood describes some of the people whose personalities remain vivid throughout the centuries, and offers some explanations of why they have this power.
Regional Variations (2)
Midlands Miscellany.
sung by Tatiana Preston (soprano) with Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Sleeplessness; Tears: Waltz; Spanish romance: Willow, why for ever bending: The muse; The withered flower; Dying roses: Night