Morris Motors Band
Conductor, Harry Mortimer
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
'Faith and what has got to be done '
Talk by the Rev. John Huxtable
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Aileen King gives a recipe based on suggestions for meal-planning made in "Woman's Hour" on Monday.
(BBC recording)
Malcolm Lockyer and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Mozart (records).
John Cameron (baritone)
Ernest Lush (accompanist)
Derek Abrahams (piano)
by Julian Bentley
Music and Movement I, by Marjorie Eele
10.5 News Commentary
The Day of Resurrection (BBC Hymn
Book 112)
New Every Morning, page 29 Psalm 114 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 21, vv. 20-33
For those we love within the veil
(BBC Hymn Book 243)
Primo Scala and his Accordion Band
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT ti, by Marjorie Eele
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. Lecture expliquée: explication de ' La Jeune Captive ' d'Andre Chenier, par Henri Fluchere
with Danny Levan and his Sextet
Jimmy Young and Harold Smart at the electric organ
Regional Variations (2)
Dora Butcher (contralto); Frederick Lunnon (violin).
A programme featuring unknown British artists
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: Scottish Heritage.
Schools: First Stages in Welsh.
LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. ' Hunton Market.' Script by Peter Bedford
2.20 GEOGRAPHY. Man and the Surface of the Earth. ' Lowland Life in the British Isles: Norfolk.' Script by J. E. Sainty
2.40 ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. Robin Hood ': tale of the greenwood. 3—' The Three Guests.' Script by Philippa Pearce
by Shaun Sutton
Other parts played by Eric Anderson , Dorothy Smith and Duncan McIntyre
by Leslie Gillett
Other parts played by Frederick Davies and Eileen Moore
Plays produced by Kevin Sheldon
Regional Variations (2)
Service in Gaelic.
News, views, and personalities of the record world, presented by Denis Preston with, this week,
Robert Farnon and Eve Boswell
Programme introduced by Roy Bradford
Regional Variations (2)
Elizabeth Barber (soprano); Albert Balaam (baritone).
by E. M. Forster
See top of page and page 8
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour: story; I Want to be an Actor; talk; songs
S is for Sound
Another medley of recorded sound effects to puzzle you
Question-Master, Alun Williams
Children's Concert
BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Before an audience of children at the Reardon Smith Lecture Theatre, Cardiff
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
Twentieth-Century Serenaders
Conducted by Monia Liter
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh serial: Teulu Tv Coch.
Walford Hyden and the Orchestra in a programme of dance music from the Continent and other parts of the world with Maria Perilli , Victoria Elliott
Jennifer Leigh , Helene Cordet
Jan Rosol. Alfred Orda and the Trio Continental
Chef d'Orchestre, Dino Galvani
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Regional Variations (4)
What Do You Know?: pencil and paper quiz for the family
Farming Today: impressions of a tour of Germany, Denmark. Sweden, and the South of England by John A. Carroll of Ontario.
The Decline of Vienna by G. E. R. Gedye Vienna Correspondent of The Observer
G. E. R. Gedye has lived and worked in Vienna for many years and has watched that city's vicissitudes since 1925. He believes that despite decline Vienna will never decay. Nor does he think that her citizens, thanks rather to their weaknesses than to their virtues, will ever be submerged.
Parts 1 and 2 J. H. Elliott writes on page 11 '
Regional Variations (2)
The Town in Ulster: a series of six talks by Gilbert Camblin. 2 — ' The Large Market Town.'
Parts 3 and 4
(Sylvia Fisher broadcasts by permission of the General Administrator, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Ltd.; Hervey Alan, by permission of the Governors of Sadler's Wells)
Tickets, from 10s. 0d. to 3s. 6d., may be obtained from the Royal Albert Hall or usual agents
A studio performance: tomorrow (Third)
Regional Variations (4)
Ice Hockey: Falkirk Lions v. Dunfermline Vikings.
Midweek Service: conducted by the Rev. R. Percival Jones.
Ploughing Match at Castledillon. Armagh: descriptions and interviews.
Lilian Duff introduces gramophone records of French artists
Great Britain v. Norway
White's eighth move (Great Britain)
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