Programme Index

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Patricia Howard (soprano)
Clifton Helliwell (accompanist)
Wilfred Simenauer (cello) Emily Jean Mair (piano)
(Patricia Howard broadcasts by permission of the Governors of Sadler's Wells)


Patricia Howard
Clifton Helliwell
Wilfred Simenauer
Emily Jean Mair
Patricia Howard

from Derby Cathedral
Blessed are the pure in heart (Walford Davies)
Sentence and Exhortation Confession and Absolution
Versicles and Responses (Tallis)
Psalms 27 and 28
First Lesson: Jeremiah 5. w. 1-19
Office Hymn: The God. whom earth and sea and sky adore (A. and M. 449)
Magnificat (Stanford in C)
Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 5
Nunc dimittis (Stanford in C)
Creed; Lesser Litany
The Lord's Prayer (Merbecke-Bairstow)
Versicles and Responses (Tallis)
Anthem: When to the Temple Mary went (Johann Eccard)
When to the Temple Mary went And brought the Holy Child, Him did the aged Simeon see, As it had been revealed. He took up Jesus in his arms And, blessing God, he said, In peace I now depart, My Saviour having seen, The hcpe of Israel, the light of men. Help now thy servants, gracious Lord, That we may ever be As once the faithful Simeon was Rejoicing but in thee; And when we must from earth departure take, May gently fall asleep And with thee wake.
Organ Voluntary: Carillon (Op. 31) (Louis Vierne)
Organist and Master of the Choristers: G. H. Heath-Gracie
Assistant organist: C. F W. Kingsbury


Organist and Master of the Choristers:
G. H. Heath-Gracie
Assistant organist:
W. Kingsbury

Recorded extracts from the Hansard Society Youth Meeting, held last Friday at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester including a talk by the Chairman of the Hansard Society
Commander Stephen King-Hall
Presented by Philip Robinson
Schoolchildren from Manchester and the surrounding districts had a chance to show their knowledge of Parliament last Friday at the Hansard Society Youth Meeting, when they took part in a spontaneous debate on a subject previously unknown.
The debate was preceded by a talk by the Chairman of the Hansard Society, Commander Stephen King-Hall , and followed by a Brains Trust composed of five M.P.s answering questions on Parliament put by the audience.


Stephen King-Hall
Presented By:
Philip Robinson
Stephen King-Hall

BBC Home Service Basic

About BBC Home Service

BBC Home Service is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 1st September 1939 and ended on the 29th September 1967.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More

About this data

This data is drawn from the data stream that informs BBC's iPlayer and Sounds. The information shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was/is subject to change and may not be accurate. More