Michaeloff and his Mazurka Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
A talk by Professor John Foster of Glasgow University on the theme ' Through Doubt to Faith '
'... God the Father Almighty'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Cyngor y Meddyg.
Philip Green and his Concert Orchestra
Burton Harper (baritone)
Norbert Wethmar (violin)
Regional Variations (2)
Service for Schools.
The God of Love my Shepherd Is
(S.P. 653: Tune. University)
Interlude: 'The First Missionary
Prayers; the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola: the Lord's Prayer
0 God of Bethel (S.P. 596; A. and M.
512; C H. 562, omitting v. 5: Tune. Martyrdom)
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru: Cwrs y Byd.
or History from Mud by Ivor Noël-Hume
An archaeological assistant to a London museum tells how his knowledge of life in old London has been increased by finding buried objects in and around the Thames.
News commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
0 Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (A. and M. 208)
New Every Morning, page 47 Psalm 126 (Broadcast Psalter) 1 Peter 4, w. 7-19
Fierce raged the tempest (A. and M.
285; S.P. 489)
Anton and his Orchestra
music AND MOVEMENT I by Marjorie Eele. The main part of today's lesson contrasts quick and slow music. Free movement will, from now on, form part of each programme. Instruments: ute and triangle. Song: ' The Big Bass Drum '
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY i. ' They Called Me a Scold ': village life and justice in the fourteenth century. Script by Rhoda Power
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: Stories from Scottish History
Schools: Second Stages in Welsh.
Clair de lune: Golliwogg's Cake-walk La soiree dans Grenade; L'isle joyeuse played by Margaret Chamberlain (piano)
An imaginary visit to a Gasthaus in the snow-capped mountains of the Tyrol, where you will meet
Helga Mott
Eddy Reed
Louis Voss and his Tyrolean Band
The Schrammel Quartet
Directed by Augustus Franzel
Introduced by Martin Freud
Produced by Eric Arden
from a canteen in West London
with the Three Monarchs, Helen Clare, Horace Kenney
James Moody at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened version of last Saturday's recorded broadcast)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish Affairs.
FOR THE FOURTEENS. Right or Wrong? 3—' Tell Tale. ' Script by Jenifer Wayne
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. ' The Entr'actes from Carmen': an illustrated talk by Gordon Reynolds on the orchestral interludes from Bizet's opera
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH II, 'David Copperfield,' by Charles Dickens , adapted for broadcasting in six parts by Antony Brown. Part 2
from Buckfast Abbey, Devon
Deus in adjutorium: Gloria Patri
Psalms 109. 110. 111, and 117 (Plainsong and sixteenth-century faux bourdon)
Hymn (Plainsong)
Magnificat (Draconius)
Salve Regina (Palestrina)
Organist, Dom Gregory Burke, o.s.B.
Dom Charles Norris, o.s.B.
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Eric Warr
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour: including story about Tammy Troot.
Children's Hour: story; records.
Awr y Plant. 'S.O.S.! Galw Gari Try fan! ': drama gyfres newydd. 1—' Rhybudd.'
A visit to the Children's Orthopaedic Hospital, Marple, Cheshire, for:
A nursery sing-song with Doris, Gwen, and Trevor
A story by Joan M. Davies :
' How Nibble lost his Tail' told by Herbert Smith followed by ' Lend Strength to Britain' Naomi Wallace talks about National Savings
Ronald Fredenburgh discusses the news of the day with four young friends
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is actress Mai Zetterling. Show more
Regional Variations (6)
Esther McCracken in ' Wot Cheor, Geordie! '
As North
Birmingham Festival of British Music: Omar Khayyam. Part 1, Section 1 (Bantock).
BBC Wellsh Orchestra; Dennis Brain (horn).
' Salmon Ladder ': a study of a labour-saving device in the River Tummel.
Broadcasts from famous music-halls and theatres
Tonight: a visit to
The Wood Green Empire, London to hear
The Five Smith Brothers
Billy Thorburn
Joe Black
Introduced by John Ellison from the theatre
Regional Variations (3)
Contact!: on-the-spot reports by Sam Pollock. 1-The fruit and vegetable trade.
Songs of the West Country
Nancy Evans (mezzo-soprano)
David Franklin (bass)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Second of a weekly series of recitals of English songs
Regional Variations (2)
The Poor Scholar': dramatised story of William Carleton. born at Prillisk, Co. Tyrone, in 1794
A dramatised personal account of the devastation by war and the peacetime resurrection of the Breton port told by its citizens
The writer, who was present as a war correspondent at the battle for its liberation, recently returned to Brest as an enquiring visitor
Written and narrated by Colin Wills
Production by Maurice Brown
Colin Wills writes on page 5
A talk on a subject of contemporary interest
Regional Variations (2)
Hansom Days: old-time dancing,
[Starring] Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
The first of a new series with Sam Costa
Maurice Denham, Diana Morrison
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black
Script by Richard Murdoch
Kenneth Horne and Anthony Armstrong with additional material by Talbot Rothwell
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
Migration and Commonwealth Defence
Second of two talks by Sir Norman Angell
In his first talk Sir Norman argued that a new unit of economic and political power is needed in the West today to offset the preponderance of America. In this talk he explains his belief that the factors that led to the emergence of American power-a policy of free immigration and political federation-can operate with equal effect in the British Commonwealth, where this necessary balancing power is latent today. Crucial to this development is the removal of many of the present-day restrictions on freedom of movement.
Regional Variations (3)
The National Mod: Children's Concert.
Joy McLean (soprano); James Gibb (piano).
Martin String Quartet:
David Martin (violin)
Neville Marriner (violin)
Eileen Grainger (viola)
Bernard Richards (cello)