Readings for Sunday morning
and forecast for farmers and shiping
London Light Concert Orchestra
Conducted by Michael Krein
with Joan and Valerie Trimble (two pianos)
Into a New Life (Sukt: Czeah Phil
hairmoniic Orcheeitma , conducted by Rafael Kubelik
Symphony No. 4, in. A (The Italian)
(Mendelssohn). Turin Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Mario Ross
Nocturne (Incidental music to Shvlock) (Fauré): stringsof the HaiMe Orchestral conducted by Sir John Banbirolli
Concerto for orchestra (Bartok):
Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra. conducted by Eduard van Beinum on. gramophone records
Jungle Child by Norah Burke
As the daughter of a forest officer in the Imperial Forest Service of India, Norah Burke spent a large part of her childhood touring a district of several hundreds of miles of jungle and moving from camp to camp by elephant.
Light Music String- Ensemble
Directed by Max Jaffa
Conducted by Roger Manvell
12.11 Art: Eric Newton
12.00 Films: Basal Wright
12.38 Theatre: T. C . Wonsley
12.37 Books': C. V . Wedgwood
12.46 Riadiio: Giles Romilly
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Listeners' questions about the countryside answered: by Eric Hobbis, Maxwell Knight , and Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland
by Esther MoCracken
Adapted for broadcasting by Hilary West
Prod'Uced by David H. Godfrey
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Appeal on behalf of the Dominions' Fellowship Trust, by Celia Macdonald of the Isles, C.B.E., Chairman of the Committee of Management
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
This Trust has grown out of the work started by the Countess of Harrowby and Lady Frances Ryder in 1916. It exists to welcome and befriend men and women from all over the Commonwealth who may not have friends or relations in this country, though they still speak of it as ' Home.' The Trust also arranges hospitality for the Rhodes Scholars, who include a number of Amencans. There is no membership fee or subscription but everyone connected with the Trust is personally introduced. The work is dependent on voluntary donations. and receives no Government grant.
A radio play in twelve parts by Peter Creswell founded on the novel 'Romance' by Joseph Conret and F.M. Hueffer
9 - 'The Castaways'
with Anthony Jacobs and Richard Taylor
Produced by Frederick Bradnum
John Kemp with Seraphina and Tomas Castro, received on board the Lion by Captain Williams and his wife with some constraint and by Sehnght (the cheerful and friendly mate) with more cordiality, settle down to the peaceful enjoyment of their days together, in spite of the fact that in a scuffle Manuel-del-Popolo. leader of the Lugarenos. has escaped. Castro alone realises the significance of this and of the fact that the morning after their arrival on board, a schooner is sighted, apparently following them on their course to Havana. Castro is convinced that she is carrying Manuel to O'Brien with news of their escape from the beleaguered Casa Riego. Sebright has called a council of war in the cabin of the Lion and to Kemp's dismay it is decided that the fugitives must leave the ship.
Five talks by Patrick O'Donovan a correspondent of The Observer
2-The New Countries
Portraits from the two Rhodesias
Two thousand years ago Pliny wrote that 'there is ' always something new out of Africa.' In this series of talks Patrick O'Donovan, who recently spent a year in Africa, suggests some of the reasons why this is even more true today.
' Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord '
Psalm 33. vv. 1-12 (Broadcast Psalter) Deuteronomy 30. vv. 11-20
0 greatly blessed the people are
(Metrical Psalm 89. vv. 15-18)
Proverbs 14, v. 34