Arthur Dulay and his Cameo Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
' The Call to Discovery '
Reading from Genesis 32, with comment
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Alexander Henderson (bass)
The Sylvan Trio
0 come all ye faithful (A. and M. 59. omitting v. 2; S.P. 78. vv. 1, 6, and 7; C.H. 55. first form. omitting v. 2)
Christmas Music:
In the bleak mid-winter (S.P. 75; C.H. 50) (Harold Darke)
(Sung by the BBC Singers)
A Child this day is born (Oxford
Carol Book No. 2. Tune. Sandys : from S.P. 652; C.H. 511)
(Sung by the BBC Singers)
Refrain to be sung by the schools:
Nowell, Nowell. Nowell,
Nowell, sing all we may,
Because the King of all kings
Was born this blessed day
Prayers; Prayer of Worship; the Lord's Prayer
Hark, the herald angels sing (w. 1 and 3) (A. and M. 60; S.P. 74; C.H. 46)
This is a Carol Service. In place of the interlude there are two carols sung by the BBC Singers. Schools are invited to join in the refrain of the second carol, which is printed above.
News commentary
Jack Simpson and his Sextet
Special Health Week for Schools
2 - Sleeping and Snoring by the Radio Doctor
Listeners' questions about the countryside answered by Brian Vesey-FitzGerald , Eric Hobbis , and Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland
Produced by Bill Coysh
Ian Stewart and his Orchestra
from a canteen in Catford, London
with Billy Milton, Jeanne de Casalis, Five Smith Brothers
James Moody at the piano
Introduced and produced by Bill Worsley
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by John Hopkins
from Westminster Abbey
Versicles and Responses (Westminster Use)
Psalms 69 and 70
First Lesson: Isaiah 40. w. 1-11
Magnificat (Plainsong, with fauxbourdons by Tomkins)
Second Lesson: 1 John 2. vv. 7-29
Nunc dimittis (Plainsong, with fauxbourdons by Tomkins)
Creed and Collects
Hear my prayer (Purcell)
Hark the glad sound! (E.H. 6)
Organ voluntary: Passacaglia (Bach)
Organist and Master of the Choristers, Dr. William McKie
'I Remember a Smell '
Anita Christophersen talks about some of the personal memories that are revived for her by scents
and forecast for farmers and shipping
An aperitif of melody
The George Mitchell Choir and Neville Williams accompanied by Frank Cordell
Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Percy Coates Introduced by Doris Arnold
Production by Douglas Moodle
2-Was Jesus Christ really human?
by Professor T. W. Manson , D.D.
This is the second of a series of talks dealing with the theological difficulties that arise at Christmas time. In this talk Professor Manson assumes that the question of the divinity of Christ is accepted and asks the further question: Do our behefs about the divine Son of God make it impossible for us to believe that Jesus Christ was fully a man?