Harold Geller and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
A talk by J. T. Christie , Head Master of Westminster School
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
Piano Sonata in A, Op. 2 No. 2 played by Diana Merrien
by Alistair Cooke
RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. Four Ways of Knowing God. 4 — ' The Way of Contemplation': G. F. Woods , Chaplain of Downing College, Cambridge, speaks on the life and thought of William Law. His talk is illustrated by extracts from Law's works read by Alan Wheatley
10.0 Announcements
10.5 News commentary
Awake, my soul. and with the sun
(A. and M. 3: S.P. 25)
New Every Morning (revised) 64 Psalm 112 (Broadcast Psalter) From St. Matthew 23. vv. 13-39
Lord. while for all mankind we pray
(S.P. 320)
Band of the Irish Guards
Conducted by Lieutenant C. H. Jaeger
Director of Music
SINGING TOGETHER, by William Appleby. Request programme
11.20 HOW THINGS BEGAN. ' Family Life Among the Ape Men.' Script by Honor Wyatt, from material supplied by Richard Palmer.
An impression of Pekin Man-best known of the ape-men-and an introduction to Near-man and Real-man whose story is followed next term
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. ' Preparatifs pour la fete de Noel.' A cette epoque de I'année chacun des Bourdon prend un air si ' cachottier.' Aidez-nous a deviner Ie secret des cadeaux. Texte de Paule Deglo`n
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell with Pearl Carr
with Albert and Les Ward
Margery Manners
Maudie Edwards
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Philip Hattey
Master of Ceremonies,
A. J. Latimer
Script written and programme introduced by Freddy Grisewood
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Dick Whittington ': a mayor of London who became a legend (d. 1423). Script by Rhoda Power
2.25 SENIOR ENGLISH I. A Christmas Anthology. Script by Becky Cocking
The carols are regional ones. and the readings include accounts of Christmas from fiction
Concert by the New London Orchestra conducted by Reginald Jacques , who introduces the programme
(organ) on gramophone records
Anona Winn , Daphne Padel , Jack Train , and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions; and Stewart MacPherson knows (almost) all the answers
Reg Leopold and his Players with Jack Cooper
Regional Variations (2)
Kathleen Sheircliffe (soprano); Wanda Nesbitt (contralto); James McCbrmick (tenor); Maurice O'Callaghan (baritone)
John Hollingsworth's Half-Hour
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour: including a story about Horace Hedgehog. '
Children's Hour: Magazine.
Children's Hour: including Nature Diary
Norman Shelley in ' Winnie-the-Pooh ' by A. A. Milne
Adapted for broadcasting by David Davis with music by H. Fraser-Simson
7-' The Expotition to the North Pole'
5.15 ' I Lived on a Cattle Ranch,' by Gordon McConnel. 4 —' Bows and Arrows '
Joan Trimble and Valerie Trimble at two pianos
5.50 This week's programmes
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
by Godfrey Harrison and Alec Harrison
Incidental music written and aranged by Frank Cordell
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Rae Jenkins
Produced by Audrey Cameron
Regional Variations (2)
Learning Gaelic.
Conductor, Charles Groves
From the Town Hall. Crewe. Arranged in collaboration with Crewe and District Music and Arts Club
Regional Variations (3)
Cedric Morgan (viola).
Band of the Royal Ulster Rifles.
5-Children Out of School
Have they enough to do at home? Are we interested in what interests them ? Do they get too much homework? Do they get up against other people?
These and. other questions are asked by fathers and mothers all over the country. This programme brings answers from men and women who are studying our children
Regional Variations (3)
BBC Midland Light Orchestra; Radiotjanst Light Orchestra. Stockholm.
Discussion: Coron Yr Eisteddfod.
The Autobiography of Lord Reith A talk by Mary Agnes Hamilton , novelist, author, and biographer, who was one of the Governors of the BBC from 1933 to 1937
Adapted for broadcasting by William Ferguson from the story by Arthur Morrison
Produced by Hugh Stewart
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by Ernest Sefton , Frank Foster. Eric Francis , and David Peel