0 come all ye faithful (A. and M. 59. omitting v. 2; S.P. 78. vv. 1, 6, and 7; C.H. 55. first form. omitting v. 2)
Christmas Music:
In the bleak mid-winter (S.P. 75; C.H. 50) (Harold Darke)
(Sung by the BBC Singers)
A Child this day is born (Oxford
Carol Book No. 2. Tune. Sandys : from S.P. 652; C.H. 511)
(Sung by the BBC Singers)
Refrain to be sung by the schools:
Nowell, Nowell. Nowell,
Nowell, sing all we may,
Because the King of all kings
Was born this blessed day
Prayers; Prayer of Worship; the Lord's Prayer
Hark, the herald angels sing (w. 1 and 3) (A. and M. 60; S.P. 74; C.H. 46)
This is a Carol Service. In place of the interlude there are two carols sung by the BBC Singers. Schools are invited to join in the refrain of the second carol, which is printed above.