Exercises for men and women
Gramophone records of his concert overtures
Short morning prayers
' Two Scottish Dishes: Black Bun and Shortbread.' by Elizabeth Hughes Hallett
from a selection of records
at the theatre organ
from page 93 of "New Every Morning" and page 32 of "Each Returning
Day". In the bleak mid-winter; Psalm 100; Acts 20, vv. 17-27; God from on high hath heard
sings Christmas songs
' Some Good Resolutions.' by a Harley Street, physician
Conductor, William Haydock
Gramophone records of Paderewski and Caruso
and his Orchestra
An ENSA show for war-workers, introduced by Bryan Michie. Geraldo and his Orchestra, with Sally Douglas , Len Camber , and Johnny Green. Guest artists, Harry Korris , Robbie Vincent , and Pat Lennox
Artie Shaw and his Orchestra, Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra, and The Casa Loma Orchestra, on gramophone records
Conductor. Charles Groves , with David Wise (violin)
Suite: The Birds Res'pight Violin Concerto No. 6. in A.......Mozart Saraband and Dance....Debussy-Ravel
Debroy Somers and his Band
Norina Semino (cello), Benjamin Britten (piano), Peter Pears (tenor)
' The Shared Dog,' an Australian story by Z. V. Webb , read by Henry James.
' Comedy Caravan,' with Gary Moore , Georgia Gibbs and Roy Bargy and his Orchestra.
(News and topical talks In Welsh)
5.0 Newyddion y'Dydd
5.5 ' Yr Wythnos yng Nghymru '
5.10 Sgwrs amserol
' Would You Believe It? ' Strange stories, interesting facts and out-of-the-ordinary music, designed for your entertainment by Dorothy Worsley
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
From St. Paul's Church, Bedford
Talk on French carol;. by Alan Boase
Variety, with Robb Wilton, Jack and Daphne Barker, and Billy Scott Coomber and his Singing Grenadiers. From the Palace Theatre, Blackpool
by William Shakespeare. Part 1
Part 2
and his Orchestra, with Sally Douglas , Len Camber , Johnny Green , Alan Grant , Archie Lewis , and Three Boys and a Girl
and his Novelty Swing Quintet