Exercises for men and women
Today's entries include gramophone records of Balakirev, Goldmark, and Wagner
James W. Welch. Director of Religious Broadcasting
" Mrs. Buggins ' (Mabel Constanduros )
Light music, arranged and played by Jack Byneld and his Players, with James Bell at the organ. (BBC recording)
- Talk by R. J. Blackmore
of gramophone records
Conductor. Cyril I. Yorath. (BBC recording)
from page 61 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 38 of ' Each Returning Day.' Carol: A virgin most pure;
Psalm 32: Acts 21, vv. 3-14; Help us to help each other
Primo Scala 's Accordion Band. directed by Harry Bidgood
Famous double acts on gramophone records
Conductor, Charles Groves . Leslie England (piano)
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
George Blake reviews the month
under the direction of Reg. Leopold
at the theatre organ
(1585-1672). Muriel Gale (contralto) and Henry Cummings (baritone), with ' Mary Carter (violin); Edna Ryerson (violin); Peggie Sampson (cello); Harold Craxton (harpsichord) Cantata: Why so troubled, 0 my spirit?
Eat thy bread in gladness (Sacred
Symphony, No. 18)
(Translations by D. Millar-Craig )
Harry Fryer and his Orchestra
from Chichester Cathedral
Versicles and Responses
Jesu. the Father's only Son (E.H. 17) Psalm 113
First Lesson: Isaiah 63, w. 1-14 Magnificat (Stocks, in E minor)
Second Lesson: Matthew 1, vv. l8-25 Nunc dimittis (Stocks, in E minor) Cieed and Collects
The five lesser joys of Mary (Peter.
Behold the great Creator (E.H. 20)
Organist, H. A. Hawkins
Bryan Michie ' Phones the Stars '— this week, Adelaide Hall
The Great River: the story of the Mississippi and its music, written by Charles Chilton and Denis Preston
Records You May Not Have Heard, introduced by Roy Plomley
Orchestras of the World: No. 7-
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, introduced by Marc Bhtzstein
Programme edited by Frederick Piffard
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' O'r Hau i'r Medi.' Y drydedd mewn cyfres o raglenni i ddangos beth sy'n digwydd o fis i fis ar fferm Pibwrlwyd yn Nyffryn Tywy.
' Down at the Mains.' New Year celebrations at Braeside Farm. by R. Gordon McCallum
Roger Manvell. author of 'Film,' discusses the cinema of today, and the kind of British films he would like to see after the war
' A Time to Remember.' Written by Allan Sloane. Produced by John Becker. Narrator. Milton Bacon The story of what the Old Year has meant to men and women all. over the United States from Vermont to the Middle West. from the ranches of Montana to the tiny .outpost of Kev West off the coast of Florida.
A musical history of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham. 1856-1941. written by Charles Hatton. with Helen Hill (soprano), Stephen Manton (tenor), Dennis Noble (baritone), the Tamworth Singers and the BBC Midland Light Orchestra: conductor, Rae Jenkins. Programme introduced by Carleton Hobbs , and produced' by Horace Dann and Edward Livesey
with Polly Ward and- Gene Gerrard , featuring ' Ukelele Memories,' ' Un-swinging the Jazz Classics.' Wives of Famous Men,' and New Songs for Old.' Musical arrangements by Max Saunders and Peter Akister. Choral arrangements by Max Saunders. The augmented Dance Orchestra, conducted byStanley Black . Produced by Eric Fawcett
with impromptu answers to listeners' questions: Sir William Darling (Lord Provost of Edinburgh), Mrs. M.A. Hamilton, Commander John Irving, Captain Brian Meredith, and E. Arnot Robertson. Question-Master, Commander Stephen King-Hall M.P.
BBC .Theatre Orchestra, with Roderick Jones (baritone), Rawicz and Landaeur, and the BBC Theatre Chorus : conductor, Stanford Robinson
The operetta selection - is from ' Merrie England,' by Edward German
' To keep vigil with our men'
(piano), plays
Five Nocturnes by Chopin: in D flat. Op. 27 No. 2; in G, Op. 37 No. 2; in E flat, Op. 55 No. 2; in F sharp. Op. 15 No. 2; in C sharp minor. Op. 27 Nq. 1
Prose and poetry, read by Charles E. Stidwill , and Stephen Murray.
and his Band