Exercises tor men and women
Gramophone records of German's incidental music and songs
Rev. G. S. Homer
' Freddy Grisewood Speaking
Directed by Albert Sandler , with Cherry Lind.
Popular dance music and songs, on gramophone records
played by Alfred Cave
News commentary
from page 93 of "New Every Morning" and page 32 of "Each Returning
Day". All hail the power of Jesus name; Psalm 48; Acts 8, vv. 14-24; Oft in danger, oft in woe
BBC Variety Orchestra: conductor. Charles Shadwell.
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Percy Young. 9—'Going Home'
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. Recent developments In the Americas: 'Indian Farmers and Shepherds in South-Western U.S.A.'
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES. A serial play based on the story of Snow White, by Julia Goodey. Part 3 —' The Wicked Queen harms Snow White-but all ends happily '
and the Dance Orchestra, with Rita Marlowe , Sid Buckman , and the Prairie Boys
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
Conductor. Fred Berry
Topical magazine programme
NATURE STUDY. Keeping a Hatchery, by John Raymont
2.15 I YSGOLION CYMRU, (For Welsh schools). Hanes Cymru: cyfres i blant tua 12 oed. 9—John Penri : Piwritaniaid yn anfodlon air yr Eglwys. Y capel cyntaf yn Llanfaches
2.35 SENIOR HISTORY II. The Changing World: ' The Soviet Collective Farm. by Eileen Bigland
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Conductor, Ian Whyte
from the Winter Gardens, Droitwich Spa, with Sylvia Welling, Terry Thomas, and dance music played by Vernon Adcock and his Aristocrats.
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerlr
' y Gweddiau o'r llyfr ' Bob Bore o
Newydd '
'The Ghost Coach': another of the adventures of the inimitable Twm Shon Catti. Play by Tudur Watkins. Produced by Lorraine Jameson
5.50 ' From America '—' Gophers ' : talk about an unusual pet, by Clifford Hayes. a Canadian bush Pilot (recording)
'The Radio Doctor' discusses the subject ' What is Fibrositis? '
and his Sextet, with Dinah Kaye and Gail Paige
'Rations For Cattle, by A. S. Foot of the National Institute for Research in Dairying, Shinfield, who was until recently Feeding-Stuffs Officer to the Berkshire War Agricultural Committee
Other items include Farm Record
Motet: Come, Jesu, come sung by the BBC Chorus, conducted by Dr. George Thalben-Ball
What's it like in the U.S.A.? 3—
' Running the Home.' An interchange of views and experience among young people (some of whom have been to the U.S.A.), with Dorothy Crook as guest expert and Douglas Alien in the ' chair
Part of a Thanksgiving Day celebration arranged by the American and British-Commonwealth Association, and organised by 'The Daily Telegraph,' with the London Symphony Orchestra (conductor, John Barbirolli ), the Band of H.M. Scots -Guards (conductor, Captain S. Rhodes ), the Kneller Hall Trumpeters , the Alexandra Choir (conductor; Charles Proctor ), Shulamith Shafir , Malcolm McEachern , Swales Atkinson , and Henry Ainley , Celia Johnson , John Laurie , James McKechnie. Michael Standing. At the organ, Arnold Grier. Script by Stephen Potter. Produced by Squadron-Leader Ralph Reader. From the Royal Albert Hall , London
When the News is followed by a War Report and this involves programme alterations, these will be announced at the microphone
with Jack Train, Dorothy Summers, Horace Percival, Dino Galvani, Sydney Keith, Fred Yule, Jean Capra, Diana Morrison, and Paula Green. BBC Augmented Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Script by Ted Kavanagh. Produced by Francis Worsley
' To keep vigil with our men
Chaucer's ' Troilus and Cryseyde,' discussed by Robert Gittings The poem spoken by John Laurie
Quartet In G minor played by the Blech String Quartet
in aid of the Variety Artists' Benevolent Fund, with Percival Mackey and his Band. Programme introduced by Harry Marlo.w. From Grosvenor House. Park Lane