Exercises for men and women
Gramophone records of his vocal and instrumental music
Short morning prayers
Swedish Apple-Cake.' by Moira Savonius
from a selection of records
Introductory music
Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the king of creation (A. and M. 657; S.P. 526, omitting v. 4; C.H. 22, omitting v. 4: Tune, Lobe dea Herron)
Prayers: The Prayer of Praise: the Lord's Prayer
Jesus lives! (A. and M. 140; S.P. 155: C.H. 121; sung in the S.P. version: Tune, St. Albinus)
at the piano, and his Quintet
(For Welsh schools). Cwrs y Byd: cyfres i blant dros 12 oed
News commentary
from page 5 of ' New Every Morn- . ing ' and page 22 of ' Each Returning Day.' My God, how wonderful thou art; Psalm 96; Acts 5. vv. 24-32; Ye servants of God
The Promise of Spring (Op. 20
No. 2) ; Peace (Op. 59 No. 3)
A Night in May (Op. 43 No. 2);
Love Song (Op. 71 No. 5).. Brahms sung by Maud Kerr (soprano)
' Keeping the Army Fit' : talk by an Army Officer
FOR UNDER-SEVENS: Let's join in-an old favourite: ' The Story of the Rude Snowman '
11.20 WHEN WE STARTED WORK. No. 8-' Work and Play': making the most of .both
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Some modern techniques of social investigation. 6—' Listener Research,' by R. J. E. Silvey : how the BBC studies the listening preferences of its audience
and his Orchestra, with Betty Kent , Rita Williams. and Leslie Douglas
ENSA show for war-workers, introduced by Bryan Michie. Ivy Benson and her Girls Band. Guest artist, Robb Wilton
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
TRAVEL TALKS. Round the Mediterranean. ' An Island in the Levant': the British colony of Cyprus, by P. M. Cran
2.20 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH, by Jean-Jacques and Yvonne Oberlin. ' Le chien savant': I'histoire du chien d'un ventriloque
2.40 senior ENGLISH I. Poetry programme by Robert Gittings , including ' Christmas at Sea,' by Robert Louis Stevenson , and ' March Hares,' by Walter de la Mare
Reg. Pursglove and his Orchestra
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate. The Dartington Hall String Trio: Robert Masters (violin), Nannie Jamieson (viola), Muriel Taylor (cello), with Bessie Rawlins (violin) and John Wills (piano)
Lisheen Races,' an extract from ' Some Experiences of an Irish R.M.,' by E. oe. Somerville and Martin Ross , read by Harry Hutchinson
with Gary Moore , Georgia Gibbs, and Roy Bargy and his Orchestra. (Recorded in America and heard by arrangement with the American Forces Network)
(News and topical talks in Welsh)
5.0 Newyddion y Dydd
5.5 Newyddion o'r Senedd.' gan D. R. Grenfell
5.10 ' Yr Whnos yng Nghymru," gan William Eames
5.15 Sgwrs amserol
'Maddy Alone': a sequel to 'The Swish of the Curtain,' written by Pamela (Mela) Brown and produced by John Keir Cross Part I-Nobody Cares
National and Regional announcement* and Scottish News summary
Mrs. Corbett-Ashby. Ll.D., speaks about the present position of women in the Church, Herman Schryver , a Dutchman, talks about the effects of the present destruction on the homes of Holland; Mary Ferguson answers more problems from women war-workers
Frank Phillips plays you some of his favourite records
A free, unscripted argument. On the Socialist aide, Harold Laski , Vice-Chairinan of the National Executive of the Labour Party, and Professor of Political Science at London University; on the Conservative side, Douglas Jerrold , writer, historian, former editor of the ' English Review,' and head of several publishing
, firms. Sir Frederick Whyte holds the ring
in ' The Chamber Music Society of Lower Regent .Street.' Master of Ceremonies, Ronald Waldman. Announcer, Sergeant Dick Dudley , U.S. Army. Script by Sergeant Vick Knight , U.S. Army. Broadcast from the stage of the Queensberry All-Services Club, London. (Recording of an 'A.E.F. Special ' broadcast on September 7 in the A.E.F. Programme)
-Alan Morton , professional footballer, who played fifty-five games for Scotland, and thirteen seasons for Glasgow Rangers. Written by Moultrie R. Kelsall , and produced by him In collaboration with Peter Thomson
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
(First performance, conducted by the composer)
Fela Sowande. who is a member of the tribe of Yoruba from Abeokuta (sixty miles from Lagos, Nigeria). came to England in 1934 to study engineering He is now musical director of the Colonial Film Unit attached to the Ministry of Information and organist of the Kingsway Hall, Holborn.
(First performance)
Michael Moerane. a pure Basuto of the Bantu race, started as a teacher of African children but soon decided on a musical career. His aim was to write down the songs and dances of his own people, and because he was remote from musical centres he had to rely on his own initiative to acquire the rudiments of musical technique. He had never seen or heard a European orchestra. It was in the kraals of Basutoland that he first attempted a symphonic composition, in order to obtain his B.Mus. During his studies in the Music Department of Rhodes University College Grahamstown. he wrote his symphonic poem ' My Country,' which was the first European score to be written by a Basuto.
Raymond Gram Swing
and postscript
and his Orchestra, with Sally Douglas , Len Camber. Johnny Green , Alan Grant , and Three Boys and a Girl.
and his Band. with Betty Kent and Cyril Shane