Exercises for men and women
Gramophone records of Sullivan's sacred music
Rev. G. S: Horner
* Mrs. Buggins ' (Mabel Constan duros)
.Directed by Harry Brooker. with Leslie Douglas , in a programme of melodies of the South Sea Islands
Story by Thomas Hardy, read by Charles E. Stidwill
Gramophone records
' /
Introductory music
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation (A. and M. 657; S.P. 628, omitting v.4; C.H. 22. omitting v. 4: tune, Lobe den Herrn)
Prayers: The Prayer of Praise: the Lord's Prayer
Jesus lives: (A. and M. 140: S.P. 155: C.H. 121: sung in the S.P. version:
Tune, St. Albinus)
Serenade: Air: Jig: (Pastoral Suite. Op. 34), on gramophone records
News commentary
from page 109 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 28 of ' Each Returning Day.' 0 Holy Ghost, thy people bless: Benedictus: Acts 7. v. 54-8, v. 3: He who would valiant be
Victor Silvester and his BaUroom Orchestra
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR INFANTS, by Ann Driver. 9-' Movement and Rest'
11.20 SENIOR HISTORY I. Britain and her neighbours: Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley ' (d. 1555), by Desmond Hawkins
' Be of good comfort. Master Ridley. and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle by God's grace in England as I trust shall never be put out'
11.40 FOURTH FORM FEATURES. ' Mr. Boswell's Dr. Johnson,' by Stephen Potter
(by permission of the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief): conductor, Mr. H. E. Wheeler
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
Talk by C. Conway Plumbe
at the theatre organ
I YSGOLION CYMRU(For Welsh .schools). Storiau i'r plant Ueiaf: cyfres i blant o 6 i 8 oed. 9—' Stori Defi-Dwdl -Dw yn y Syrcas,' gan Amy Parry Williams
' Brain. Eve. and Hand,' by Honor Wyatt.
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II. 'The Pickwick Papers '—1 : talks by Morna Stuart. on the comic characters in * The Pickwick Papers,' by Charles Dickens
BBC Midland Light Orchestra: conductor, Rae Jenkins
from the chapel of a public school in the Midlands Versicles and Responses Psalm 29
First Lesson: Ecclesiastes 12 Magnificat (Parry, in D)
Second Lesson: St. John 14, vv. 1-14 Nuncdimittis (Parry. in D) Creed and Collects
Turn thy face from my sins (Attwood) Prayers
Judge eternal (E.H. 423; C.H. 636)
presenting ' The Armchair Traveller,' a journey on the magic carpet of records. With Neal Arden ; Swing From Pre-war Paris.' by Roy Plom ley: records of the popular Mexican singer, Pedro Vargas , introduced by A. B. Stewart-Hall : Orchestras of the World: No. 3— The Vienna Philharmonic,' introduced by Mosco Carner. Programme edited by Frederick Piffatd
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Sion y Bodiau ': drama gyfres newydd gan Gwilym R. Jones. 2—' Cadair y Cawr'
'Betsy,' a Ship's Cat': story by Meryon Vance , told by Derek McCul loch (' Mac ')
'How the Gypsy got "his Violin': a musical fairy-story from Transylvania, told by Spike Hughes
Talk by Lieut. F. G. Boyce. U.S.N.R. , on a perilous trip along the tight rope
—PEOPLE TO PEOPLE' ' Culture for Popular Consumption.' How Americans keep abreast of the times in their everyday reading. Written by Allan E. Sloane. produced by John Becker. Narrator, Milton Bacon.
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Written and produced by Max Kester ; with Maudie Edwards. Hugh French , and the Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black
with impromptu answers to listeners' questions: Sir Ernest Barker. Lieut.--Commander R. T. Gould. Professor Gilbert Murray. Wright Robinson (former Lord Mayor of Manchester). I. A. Williams (author and journalist). Question-Master, Donald McCullough.
BBC Theatre Orchestra with Ada Alsop (soprano), Winifred Davey and Eric Gritton (two pianos) and the BBC Theatre Chorus: conductor, Stanford Robinson
Operetta selection is from ' The Arcadians,' by Lionel Monckton and Godfrey Talbot
' To keep vigil with our men '
Cello Sonata in G minor played by Douglas Cameron (cello), and John Ireland (piano)
Directed by Cpl. Paul Fenoulhet (by permission of the Air Officer Commanding)