Exercises for men and women
Gramophone records of his Brandenburg Concertos
Short morning prayers
' Crime Caramel,' by Helen Burke
Music of the sunny South, played by the Southern Serenade Orchestra, directed by Reg. Leopold. (BBC recording)
Talk by A. C. Martin
of gramophone records
Introductory music Prayer
Ye servants of God. your master proclaim (A. and M. 704; C.H. 168: Tune. Hanover)
Prayers: The Prayer for God's
Piesence : the Lord s Prayer
Jesus shall reign (A. and M. 220:
S.P. 545: C.H. 388, omitting v.- 2;
. Tune, Truro) Blessing .
Kikimora played by the Halle Orchestra, conducted by Sir Adrian Boult. (Gramophone records)
News commentary
from page 29 of "New Every Morning" and page 52 of "Each Returning Day". Father, we praise thee, now the night is over; Psalm 90, vv. 1-12; Ephesians 3, vv. 14-21; Metrical Psalm 124 (ii)
The New Organolians, with Jimmy Leach at the piano
,11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR INFANTS, by Ann Driver : 6—' Descriptive Rhythm '
11.20 SENIOR HISTORY I. Britain and her neighbours : John Colet (1467-1519), by Morna Stuart
11.40 FOURTH FORM FEATURES. Dramatic reading from E. Hale 's story, . ' The Man without a Country '
Conductor. Rae Jenkins
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
George Blake reviews the month
., at the theatre organ
1.50 I YSGOLION cymru (For Welsh schools). Storiau i'r plant lleiaf : cyfres i blant o 6 i 8 oed. 6-' Stori Defi-Dwdl -Dw yn yr Eira,' gan Amy Parry Williams
2.10 HOW THINGS BEGAN : No. 6 —' The Reptiles Conquer Drought,' by Honor Wyatt.
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II. Dramatic reading : ' Peer Gynt,' by Ibsen. with incidental music by Grieg. Adapted by Grace Wvndham Goldie . Part 2
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
from Lincoln Minster
Versicles and Responses (Byrd) Psalm 149
First Lesson : Wisdom 3, vv. 1-9 Magnificat (Stanford, in C)
Second Lesson : Hebrews 11. 'v.
13—12. v. 2 ;
Nunc dimittis (Stanford, in C) Creed and Collects
Glorious in heaven (Vittoria) Prayers I
For all thy saints. 0 Lord (S.P. 203 ;
E.H. 196)
Organist. Gordon Slater
Motion-picture parade, introducing songs, scenes., and personalities from films of the past; present, and future
,with the recorded voices of many famous stars. Introduced by Leslie Mitchell . Written by .Harry Alan Towers and produced by Pat Osborne
and his Orchestra, with Sally Doug las. Len Camber. Johnny Green. Alan Grant , and Three Boys and a Girl
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Hogiau'r Gogledd ' rhaglen arbennig i'r plant gan Emrys, Meic, Ifan a'r gweddill o'r hogiau
' Hurrah for Hallowe'en or Witchful Thinking': a most peculiar affair, reported by Dorothy Worsley. with music by Mai Jones
Talk by Sir Wilson Jameson. Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health
3-' The Amateur Composer : Maurice Jacobson , in the first of his three talks, takes a number of amateur compositions, instrumental and vocal, shows their merits and weaknesses, and makes suggestions for their improvement. Singer. George Pizzey (baritone)
The story of .a disillusioned poet, written by Sir Max Beerbohm : adapted for radio and produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Written and produced by Max Kes ter. with Maudie Edwards. Christopher Steele, Hugh French , and a famous visitor. The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black . (BBC recording)
with impromptu answers to listeners' questions: Lieut.-Commander R. T. Gould , ' a psychoanalyst,' Mrs. E. Arnot Robertson ,
Bertrand Russell, F.R.s., and Dr.Edith Summerskill, M.P . Question-Master, Commander Stephen King-Hall, M.P. (BBC recording)
Questions, on postcards please, to the BBC Brains Trust, London, W.I. The BBC cannot answer Brains Trust questions by correspondence '
BBC Theatre Orchestra, with Tom Culbert (tenor), , Harry Isaacs and York, Bowen (two pianos), and the BBC Theatre Chorus : conductor, Stanford Robinson
' To keep vigil with our men '
played by Sir Walter Alcock
From Salisbury Cathedral
Contrasting styles in dance music. Sweet music played by Reg. Pursglove and his Orchestra, and swing music played by Jack Simpson and his Sextet