Exercises for men and women. (BBC recording)
Gramophone records of - Hplst's choral music
Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lichfleld
' Preparing Vegetables in the Dutch Way,' by Mary Hartree
from a selection of records
Introductory music Prayer
Ye servants of God, your master proclaim (A. and M. 704 ; C.H. 168 : Tune. Hanover)
Prayers : The Prayer for God's
Presence : the Lords Prayer
Jesus shall reign (A. and M. 220
S.P. 545 ; C.H. 388 ; omitting v. 2 : Tune, Truro)
(For Welsh schools). Cwrs y Byd : cyfres i blant dros 12 oed
News commentary
from page 25 of ' New Every Morning' and page 46 of ' Each Returning Day.' At thy feet, 0 Christ, we lay ; Psalm 25. vv. 1-13 : Ephesians 2, vv. 1-10 ; Dear Lord and Father of mankind
played by John Francis (flute) and Millicent Silver (piano)
' Old People in Cold Weather,' by a family doctor
11.0 FOR UNDER-SEVENS. ' Let's join in ': the first of three stories about bats and mice : 1-' The Adventures of Ringtail '
11.20 WHEN WE STARTED WORK. No. 5 -' Fitting Ourselves by Training': young people explaining how they have done this are followed by F. L. Harris
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Some modern techniques of social investigation : 3-' The Nation's Income And How We Spend It.' by Nicholas Kaldor
with his Orchestra, and artists
ENSA show for war-workers, introduced by Bryan Michie. Geraldo and his Orchestra, with Sally Douglas, Len Camber, and Johnny Green. Guest artist, Florence Desmond.
Oskar Joost and his Tango Orchestra. A.P. Sharpe's Honolulu Hawaiians. and Charlie Spivak and his Orchestra. (Gramophone records)
2.0 TRAVEL TALKS: Round the Mediterranean : ' Next Door to Vesuvius,' by Ward Smith
2.20 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH : by Jean-Jacques Oberlin and Andre Duran ton. ' Emplettes dans un grand magasin '
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I. ' Do you know -Mr. Squeers ? ' : Douglas Allen introduces the headmaster of Dotheboys Hall., from 'Nicholas Nickleby ,' by Charles Dickens
Maurice Winnick and his Orchestra
Vera Kantrovitch (violin) ; Eric Gritton (piano) ; Betty Bannerman (mezzo-soprano)
' First Confession ' : story written for broadcasting by Frank O'Connor. and read by the author. (Recording ; previously broadcast on March 20)
' Comedy Caravan,' with Gary Moore , Georgia Gibbs, and Roy Bargy and -his Orchestra.
(News and topical talks in Welsh)
5.0 Newyddion y Dydd
5.5 ' Newyddion o'r Senedd,' gan D. R. Grenfell
5.10 ' Yr Wythnos yng Nghymru,' gan E. Morgan Humphreys
5.15 Sgwrs amserol
'Hereward the Wake': based on the book by Charles Kingsley. and dramatised by Rosalie Williams. Viking songs set to music by Norman Fulton. Produced by Nan Macdonald. Episode 1â ' Outlawed'
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
Minnie Pallister in her ' I'd like to tell you about ... ' series ; Geoffrey Hoyfand in the first of three talks on ' The Family Gang ' ; Mary Embrey gives advice on how to set about having your photograph taken ; Marian Cutler on the problems of the wives' of Service men
Alistair Cooke
with two problems provided by Dorothy Carless, and Kenneth Horne and Richard Murdoch: four sound problems: two musical problems played by the Dance Orchestra of No.1 Balloon Centre ('The Skyrockets'), directed by Corporal Paul Fenoulhet (by permission of the Air Officer Commanding). Introduced by Ronald Waldman and produced by Audrey Cameron in aid of the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund. (BBC recording)
Discussion by three men and two women of widely-varying views and experience
Partita No. 2, in C minor played by Nina Milkina (piano)
The U.S. Navy Dance Band of the Liberation Forces, directed by Sam Donahue , and the R.A.F. Dance Orchestra, directed by Jimmy Miller. Guest vocalist, Beryl Davis. Masters of Ceremonies, Ronnie Waldman and Dick Dudley
New play specially written for radio by Emery Bonett , with music selected by Cynthia Pughe. Produced by Val Gielgud
andvher Girls Band
and the Ferrymen, with Beatrice Findlay