Exercises for men and women. (BBC recording)
Gramophone records of excerpts from some of Delius's operas
Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lichfield
' The Radio Doctor '
Conductor, Rae Jenkins. (BBC recording)
Gramophone records
Talk by Trudy Bliss
at the theatre organ
News commentary
from p. 81 of ' New Every Morning,' and p. 42 of ' Each Returning Day.' I bind until myself today ; Psalm 1 : Ephesians 1. vv. 1-10 ; Jesus calls us
on gramophone records
11.0 SCOTTISH HERITAGE. Hallowe'en ': introducing various spirits of Scottish legend. Script by Alexander Reid
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS, discussed by experts
11.40 MUSIC AND THE DANCE, by John Horton : 5—' Facing the Music '
Hawaiian music : gramophone programme, written by A. P. Sharpe
A. Romney Green , who recently described the work of a small mastercraftsman, deals with the lighter side of his job.
from Midlands and Wales. War-workers in two widely-separated factories combine to entertain you and their fellow-workers in the lunch-hour break. Introduced by Godfrey Baseley in the Midlands and Nan Davies in Wales
Conducted by Harold Lowe
1.50 FOR RURAL 'SCHOOLS (England). ' What happens when ... a storm breaks ? ' by George Scott Moncrieff
2.15 GENERAL SCIENCE. Things around us : ' Materials for Clothing.' by Helen Coppen
2.40 JUNIOR English: Part 4 of a serial play by Julia Goodey , based on Bunyan's ' The Pilgrim's Progress '
Ivy Benson and her Girls Band
-with Helen Hill
Wednesday Matinee
by H. G. Wells , adapted by Laurence Gilliam. Produced by Hugh Stewart
Play for broadcasting by Ursula Bloom , played by members of the BBC Repertory Company
Sgwrs ar Ie gweinidog mewh iechyd meddyliol cymdeithas, gan Feddyg. (Talk in Welsh)
'Fine and Big': story for small children by Margaret Leveson Gower, told by Norman Shelley. Music by Gwenn Knight played by Reg. Leopold and his players and sung by Gwenn Knight and Victor Harding
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
Training for Industry ' : talk by Dr. H. W. Webb , Principal of the North Staffordshire Technical College
Recorded in America, and heard by arrangement with the American Forces Network
Douglas Houghton discusses some of the everyday problems created by present conditions. Tonight he gives the second of two talks on ' Providing for the Family '
(1644-1944). Tercentary programme about the English Quaker and statesman who fought for the freedom of the individual and who founded Pennsylvania to put his theories into practice. Written and produced by Edward Livesey with the co-operation of Lucie Street (author of ' Penn of Pennsylvania,' and ' His Excellency William Penn '), Hubert Peet (editor of ' The Friend,' and John Kay of Bootham School, York)
A comedy concoction of ingredients contributed (with great relish) by various authors, designed to achieve a unique blend of mixed pickles : with Avril Angers , Gene Crowley , Dick Francis , and C. Denier Warren. The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black . Music and production by 'Henry Reed.
Paula Green takes the air in song, accompanied by James Moody and his Sextet.
written and read by Algernon Blackwood
Naidheachdan, seahchas, dain is .orain.
In honour of his 80th birthday
Over the golden fields ; Like an angel ; The Dreary Steppe ; The Flower ; Rain ; The Rainbow ; The Fountain of Trevi
Sung by Tatiana Makushina (soprano)
Famous bands playing popular dance tunes, on gramophone records