and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Derby Borough Police Band : conductor, H. Evefts
plays well-known organ music
from St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Father, hear the prayer we offer (S.P. 487) Confession and Absolution The Lord's Prayer Psalm 24
Lesson . *
For the beauty of the earth (S.P. 494 ;
C.H. 17)
' God the Creator ' : address by the Rev.
F. D. V. Narborough
Judge eternal, throned in splendour (S.P.
552 ; C.H. 636)
Organist, S. Drummond Wolff
plays cello music by Russian composers
Falkman and his Apache Band
' Messiah : Handel's Second Thoughts'. Julian Herbage talks about the original score and the alterations which Handel made. Illustrations are given by Marjorie Hay -ward and Irene Richards (violins), and Norman Lumsden (bass)
at the piano with his Quintet
conducts the NBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. (Recordings made in New York of a programme broadcast by the NBC on December 27 last year)
' What the Beveridge Report Means to You and Me'. Some questions answered by Janet Dunbar
Fortnightly programme from the countryside. No. 24—'The Fens'. Introduced by S. P. B. Mais. Music arranged by Frank Collinson. Producer, Francis Dillon
A tale of the eighteenth-century stage, presented, with gramophone records of Handel's music, by Joseph Macleod
C. H. Middleton
(leader, Laurance Turner ), Arthur Catterall (violin).' Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult
3.25 app. Interval
3.35 app. Symphony No. 1,'in A flat Elgar
at the theatre organ.
Series of talks dealing with events of religious significance in the life of the nation, and with the work of the Churches at home and abroad, by the Rev. Nathaniel Micklem , D.D.
Heddiw bydd y Parchedig D. Tecwyn Evans, y Prifathro John Morgan Jones, a'r Athro J. Williams-Hughes yn trafod cwestiynau a anfonwyd i mewn gan wrandawyr.
5.20 "Finlo the Young Tailor", by Kathleen Killip, told by Nan
5.30 app. Isobel Baillie makes her first appearance in Children's Hour, and presents her own songs. Accompanied by Laurance Turner (violin), Ernest Element (violin), Frank Park (viola), Haydn Rogerson (cello), Tina Bonifacio (harp)
5.50 ' Consider the Birds by Laurens Sargent. No. 6-' Users of Clay'
Talk by Sir E. John Russell , F.R.S.
by Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald
Songs for the first day of Spring. BBC Singers : conductor, Leslie Woodgate
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Sentences and Prayer
Lord of all being (S.P. 564 ; C.H. 24) Reading : Psalm 139, vv. 1-12.
God is a Spirit (Slemdalc Bennett) Prayers
Thou art the Way (A. and M. 199 ; C.H.
What do we mean by God ? ' Address by the Rev. W. A. L. Elmslie
Love divine, all loves excelling (A. and M. 520 ; C.H. 479)
Appeal on behalf of the Church of Scotland Huts and Canteens for His Majesty's and Allied Forces, by the Very Rev. Charles L. Warr , C.V.O., D.D., Dean of the Thistle and of the Chapel Royal in Scotland Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed].
No. 5—'The French Revolution
Written and produced by Louis MacNeice
followed by postscript
' The Heirs to the Kingdom': fourth of a play sequence, specially written for broadcasting by Dorothy L. Sayers. Produced by Val Gielgud.
'The way of the cross '—2. Psalm 17, vv. 1-8 ; St. Luke 4, vv. 1-13 ; Be thou my guardian (A. and M..282) ; St. Luke 9, v. 23
Seventh of a series of gramophone programmes presented by Scott Goddard
7-Robert W. Service : reading from his works
at two pianos