and summary, of today's programmes for the Forces
sung- by Peter Dawson , bass-baritone. (Gramophone- records)
Exercises for men .: Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and Barbara Laing
Mazurkas of Chopin
Readings selected by Flight-Lieut. Neil Hutchison, R.A.F.
' Mrs. Buggins' (Mabel Constan duros)
on records
at the theatre organ
Talk by Estyn Evans
Introductory music
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (A. and M. 657; S.P. 626, omitting v. 4; C.H. 22, omitting v 4 : Tune, Lobe den Herrn)
Prayers: The Prayer for Today: the Lord's Prayer
Father, hear the prayer we offer (S.P. 487: Tune, Gott Will's Machen)
Closing music
Overture, Don Giovanni played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham. (Gramophone records)
News commentary
from page 29 of 'New Every Morning' and page 52 of 'Each Returning Day'.
Metrical Psalm 96, vv. 1-5; Psalm 126; The King of love my shepherd is
Nineteenth of a series of record programmes of Hawaiian guitar music, written and arranged by A. P. Sharpe
' Is Spring Cleaning Necessary ? ' by Ruth Drew
' Treats for Children's Teas ', by Mary Norris
11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR INFANTS. Ann Driver. ' Changes' of Tone ' *
' First Stew-Pots ', by Rhoda Power
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH : by Jean-Jacques Oberlin and Yvonne Oberlin. ' Airs de danses d'autrefois '
(born March 16, 1835, died March 16, 1881) played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Guy Warrack
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory in Britain
Recording of last Saturday's broadcast by Raymond Gram Swing
played by Sir Walter Alcock , from Salisbury Cathedral
2.0 THE MUSIC SHOP :. 'Mutes for Strings and Brass'
2.20. PHYSICAL TRAINING (for use in classrooms), by Edith Dowling
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II. Good writing. Dramatic reading, ' The Merchant of Venice ' (ii), by Shakespeare
Richard Crean and his Orchestra
from a public school in the Midlands Versicles and Responses Psalm 84
First Lesson : Genesis 45, vv. 4-13 Magnificat (Stanford in B flat)
Second Lesson: Philippians 2, vv. 1-11 Nunc dimittis (Stanford in B flat)
.Creed and Collects
Hide not thou thy face (Parrant) Prayers
Christian, dost thou see them ? (E.H. 72)
Short story, written for broadcasting by S. L. Bensusan , and read by the author.
and his Orchestra
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Dagrau'r . Deheuwynt ', stori gan Edith Williams. Caneuon gan Joan Llewelyn a Chor Meibion Porth : arweinydd, Isaac Jones
Russian children's songs sung by the combined choirs of Sefton Park Senior School and Bishop Road Senior School, conducted by John Horton. There are also some of the famous Russian fables of Kriloff, translated by Stella Alead
Fuel Flash for housewives and National and Regional announcements
6.45 Stories, most of them with an East-Coast tang, told round the table by well-known Scotsmen. Introduced by George Blake
7.0 ' Bannock Night ' : Mrs. B. E. Silcock brings back to mind some old songs and country customs connected with Fasten's E'en. Produced by Elizabeth Adair
Weekly discussion, introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Story of a journey by air from England to America, in six chapters. Written by Phillip Leaver and Vernon Harris , with the technical co-operation of British Overseas Airways Corporation. Special music composed by Henry Reed , and played by the Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas. Cast includes Cyril Ray mond, Sylvia Marriott , Lionel Watts , Frances Clare , Ewart Scott , Una Venning , Ian Sadler , Mignon O'Doherty. Produced by Vernon Harris. The characters in the story are the passengers and crew of the flying-boat ' City of Bath'. Chapter 1-' Stand by for Take Off '
... about Christianity. I-Why should we read the Bible ? Discussion programme for under-twenties, introduced by Douglas Allan
with spontaneous answers to 'Any Questions?'
In residence, Commander A.B. Campbell. Guests, Miss Jennie Lee, Sir William Beveridge, William Mabane, M.P., Sir Eric Maclagan. Question Master, Donald McCullough. Producer, Howard Thomas. 'Radio Encyclopedia' questions asked by Lilian Braithwaite.
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell. Farewell concert of music specially composed or arranged for the Band, introduced by Wing-Commander R. P. O'Donnell M.V.O ,.
Address by the Rev. Ronald Philipps
The origins and peculiarities of the American language : Americans speak for themselves. Written and produced by Jenifer Wayne
and his Ballroom Orchestra
A comparison of Beethoven's ' Leonora' Overtures, presented with gramophone records by Robert Lorenz