and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Conducted by Lieut. G. H. Willcocks. (Gramophone records).
Exercises for men: George Welton
7.40 Exercises for women: Audrey Nicol
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
' It's Your Idea ' : Freddy Grisewood
from a selection of records
Conductor, Rae Jenkins. Tom Williams (baritone)
at the Vgan of the Gaumont State, Kilburn
from page 49 of 'New Every Morning', and page 44 of Each Returning Day '. Awake, my soul Psalm 62; In dulci jubilo
Lionel Falkman and his Apache Band
played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Guy Warrack
or 'It Left Here All Right'.
Songs and sketches by numerous authors and composers, with Bettie Bucknelle, Clarence Wright, Fred Yule, and Jack Melford.
BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell.
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
' The Cabman's Point of View', by two London taxi-drivers
Outside broadcasts from key points in Britain's wartime transport system. No. 2—' Coastal Shipping'. (BBC recording)
played by Douglas Fox
Douglas Fox , who lost' his right arm in the last war, has successfully continued his work as a solo pianist by concentrating on the fairly large repertoire of music specially written for the left hand.
13 - 'Sincerity and the Discovery of Jesus': talk by Mrs. J. A. C. Murray
and his Orchestra, with Jack Wilson
Tunes of Today .
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Eric Winstone and his Band
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Talk by Ralph Wightman
Piano Trio in D minor played by the Blech-Pleeth-Good Trio
Mendelssohn wrote two piano trios, in D minor and C minor respectively, which are among the best of his chamber works. No. 1 in D minor, composed in 1839, is full of charming melodies that are developed in a characteristically ingenious manner.
Cymry Ifainc y Lluoedd Arfog yn gofyn sut y mae ar Gymru heddiw. Nifer o siaradwyr yn ateb, gan fwtw golwg dros wahanol agweddau ar gyflwr y wlad yn ystod y flwyddyn. Y Cyngor Adrefnu gan James Griffiths , A.S.— Y Blaid Seneddol Gymreig gan R. Moelwyn Hughes , A.S. — Undeb Cymru Fydd gan T. I. Ellis-Mudiad yr Ifanc gan Ifan ab Owen Edwards , y Diwydiant Glo gan William Jones — Amaethyddiaeth Cymru gan Moses Griffith. (Recorded programme in Welsh)
Some high-spots from Children's Hour programmes for 1942 : A scene from ' Coal by L. du Garde Peach ; Short concert of Scottish songs, sung by the Kirkintilloch Children's Choir ; Scenes from ' Little Women', by Louisa M. Alcott , adapted by Catherine Buckle , with Curigwen Lewis , Peggy Ryalls , Joyce Moore , Marjorie Jones , Robert Riatty , Olive Dehn ,
Geraldine Keyzey , Violet Carson , and Wilfred Pickles
followed by National and Regional announcements
First of a series of four talks on the important subject of cultivation, which W. S. Mansfield will give each Thursday evening during January. Other items include ' Farm Record ', and a special talk for members of the Women's Land Army
4-Marshal Foch, ' the man who won the first world war'. Written and produced by Robert Kemp .
The songs and the story of the Twentieth Century-Fox picture, star-ring Rita Hayworth and Victor Mature. Singers, Paula Green , Gene Crowley , and the Clubmen. Story-teller, Tommy Duggan. BBC Revue Orchestra, directed by Billy fernent.
- Continuity by Russell Medcraft.
Presentation by Vernon Harris.
Conducted by Leslie Heward
In his Preface to the eight symphonies of Boyce, which he has transcribed and edited for strings and wind, Constant Lambert points out that ' William Boyce (1710-1779) does not at the present day enjoy the renown as an instrumental composer that is rightly his as a choral composer, but the neglect into which his instrumental works have fallen is unaccountable for they rank among the finest compositions of their time, not only in England but in Europe. The eight symphonies (a. word which Boyce uses to describe what would nowadays be considered-a concerto grosso) are not only of great technical and historical interest but have a vigour and charm that are rarely found together '
'Marching On' tells the story of 1942. Edited by Robert Barr , with music under the direction of George Walter. Produced by John Glyn -Jones
Last January the news from world battle-fronts was grim indeed for the United Nations. Today, in Mr. Churchill's words. ' A bright gleam has caught the helmets of our soldiers and warmed and cheered all our hearts '. Tonight ' Marching On ' presents a dramatic picture, of this turning of the tide.
or ' Leaves from a Loose Agent's Ledger'. Episode 4 — ' The Close of the Ledger' Cast includes C. Denier Warren, Bettie Bucknelle , Sidney Keith, Vera Lennox, Horace Percival. Music played by the Novachord 'Hornswogglers' under the direction of Charles Shadwell. Script by Loftus Wigram. Produced by Henry Reed.
A few of the comments in song by Rae Elrick that appeared in 'Tak' Tent' and ' Scottish Magazine ' during 1941 and 1942. Sung by Madeleine Christie and R. G. MacCallum , with a section of the BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Kemlo Stephen. Introduced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
and the Dance Orchestra, with Sid Buckman , Ken Beaumont , and Paula Green
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
(C.H. 214 ; S.P. 678 ; A. and M. 274)
Lesson : Psalm 103. vv. 1-13
Address by the Very Rev. J. Hutchison
Cockburn, D.D.
Psalm 121 : I to the hills will lift mine eyes (Tune, 'French ')