and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of 'Hutch' (
Leslie A. Hutchinson )
Exercises for men
Coleman Smith
An interlude
Short morning prayers
Programme Parade
Details of some of today's broadcasts
Questions from the Food Advice
A mixed choice of records
The high-spot will be ' Skyscrapers: American suite', by John Alden Carpenter , played by the Victor Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Nathaniel Shilkret.
and his Orchestra
Talk by Pam Harmsworth
at the theatre organ
News commentary and interlude
from p. 49 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 44 of ' Each Returning Day'
played by Sidney Davey and his Players
11.0 Singing together by Herbert Wiseman
Come, let us learn to sing (children's song)
Dream Angus (Highland tune)
Robin-a-Thrush (English folk song)
11.20 I Ysgolion Cymru
(For Welsh schools)
Gair a Geirfa
1-Cofnodi laith '
Dyfeisiau dynol i roi iaith ar garreg ac ar bapur
Sgwrs gan T. J. Morgan
11.40 English for under-nines,
A ten-minute tale from Japan, ' The Tinker's Kettle ', by Rhoda Power ; followed by tongue-twisters and other games
I-The story of the manuscripts
The Rev. H. F. D. Sparks , Durham
To prepare an extensive survey of the making and content of the Bible for broadcasting over a period of two years has been the task of those concerned in this new series, of which this morning's broadcast is the first. The first twelve talks will deal with the history of the present text of the Gospels. These will be followed by a second group on the teaching of the Gospels, while later on further broadcasts will examine the Epistles, the Acts of the Apostles, and parts of the Old Testament. It is hoped that all the talks will be found specially suitable for sixth-form listening.
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
Piano sonata No. 4, in G played by Dorothea Aspinall
1.50 Science and gardening
' Work to do now in the garden'
C. F. Lawrance
2.10 Interval music
2.15 Stories from world history
' Pharaoh and the Nile god' by Rhoda .Power
2.35 Interval music
2.40 English for everyday use by Douglas R. Allan
About speaking clearly
Played by George Scott-Wood and his Grand Accordion Band
Talk by Keith Henderson
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conductor, Gideon Fagan
Stori radio gan Arthur R. Hughes
Fe'i darllenir hi gan Tom Jones
(A story in Welsh)
5.20 ' Dan Braithwaite 's Boggart '
A Lancashire fairy story by K. T. McGarry , told by Wilfred
Yorkshire folk songs, sung by the Fletcher Singers
5.45 The Zoo man
followed by National and Regional announcements
by H. G. Wells as a dramatic serial for the microphone
Written by Lance Sieveking with Richard Goolden as Mr. Polly
(Fourth instalment)
Cast :
Narration and production by Lance Sieveking
The BBC Listener Research Director talks about a new venture in studying listeners' tastes, and appeals for your co-operation in it
BBC Chorus
BBC Orchestra
. Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Margaret Rees (soprano)
Margaret Balfour (contralto)
Bradbridge White (tenor)
Henry Cummings (bass) Berkeley Mason (organ)
(Part 1)
A radio version of the film
(by permission of Melro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
Adapted by Douglas Moodie from the screen play by Marguerite Roberts and Sonya Levien. Music and lyrics by Brown and Kahn, Roger Edens , and Carroll and McCarthy. Radio score by Jack Beaver. Additional orchestrations by Cecil Milner and Clive Richardson with Robert Beatty , Beryl Davies , John Singer , Eric Palmer ,
Tucker Maguire , Macdonald Parke , Marcel de Haes
Others taking part include Sydney Keith , Joan Young , Ewart Scott , Kitty de Legh, C. Denier Warren ,
Finlay Currie , and Pat Rignold
The Bachelor Girls and the Cavendish Three
BBC Revue Chorus (trained by Mansel Thomas )
Augmented Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent
Produced by Douglas Moodie
(Part 2 will be broadcast on Monday,
September 29, at 8.0)
A panorama outline of the Great War 1914-1918, as seen through the eyes of the German General
Script compiled by Igor Vinogradoff and Denis Johnston
Produced by Dallas Bower
This programme was first broadcast in the Home Service on Monday, August 4, 1941, exactly twenty-seven years after Great Britain declared war on Imperial Germany in 1914. The four years 1914-1918, in retrospect, provide strange parallels between that conflict and the present one.
The programme, of which the sources are original documents dealing with the Great War from the viewpoint of the German General Staff, shows how Germany's military successes were counterbalanced by the political blunders of the High Command.
played by John Cockerill (harp)
Jean Pougnet (violin)
David Wise (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
Douglas Cameron (cello)
John Amadio (flute)
Reginald Kell (clarinet)
A short story by H. E. Bates , read by Kevin Fitzgerald
and his Band