and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of George Baker (baritone)
Exercises for women
7.40 Exercises for men
An interlude
A thought for today
The Rev. Dom Bernard Clements, O.S.B.
Details of some of today's broadcasts
' How I manage ', by a housewife
Popular dance music and songs on gramophone records
at the theatre organ
and his Miniature Orchestra
from p. 17 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 12 of ' Each Returning Day'
played by George Scott-Wood and his Grand Accordion Band
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
played by Esther Fisher
A programme for those who can't be up and doing
Presented by Eric Fawcett
at the theatre organ
A lunch-hour entertainment for factory workers, relayed from a factory ' somewhere in Britain '
Presented by Michael North and Glyn Jones
' More adventures with the family cow'
Mrs. Charles West
Many people living in the country are not taking full advantage of small paddocks and orchards. Why not, for instance, keep a family cow, and so become independent of the nation's milk supplies ? This afternoon Mrs. Charles West is going to describe her further adventures in wartime dairying.
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conductor, Gideon Fagan
at the theatre organ
A farcical comedy by L. du Garde
Cast :
Produced by Peter Creswell
played by Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
A Marshland story by S. L. Bensusan , read by the author
[Home Service continued overleaf
Conductor, Sir Hugh S. Roberton
Under its distinguished conductor, Sir Hugh S. Roberton , the Glasgow Orpheus Choir is well in the forefront of British choirs. Indeed, in the singing of folk songs and part songs, the choir has few rivals in the whole world. Many of the arrangements which it uses are the work of Sir Hugh Roberton , who is one of the pioneers of the competition festival movement in Scotland. The Orpheus Choir has sung all over this country, and also in Canada and the United States.
(New edition)
A programme featuring
Carroll Gibbons and the Savoy Hotel
Orpheans including
Daphne and Jack Barker those famous cabaret stars
' Gertie, the girl on the spot' a modern melodrama in one act
' Across the table' a topical discussion between two well-known personalities
A guest artist from one of the Forces
' You call the tune ' a Carroll Gibbons piano feature
' Transatlantic tease time ' well-known personalities from both sides of the Atlantic and ' Accent on love ' featuring Anne Lenner
Compere, William Gates
Produced by Douglas Lawrence
Sgwrs gan y Parch. R. G. Henry
(A talk in Welsh)
' Wedding Ceilidh at Cairn Ban ' devised by Emma Menzies and a talk
' How a great ship is- planned '
followed by National and Regional announcements
Prepared by Neil Munro in aid of the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund, and compered by Ronald Waldman
Simple problems set by your favourite stars
Max Miller
Ronald Frankau
George Doonan
Albert Whelan
Sandy Macpherson
Reginald Foort
Morton Fraser
Alan Paul and a mystery discovery !
All eager, as you are, to help the Red Cross
Already in these contests your entry money has exceeded E20,000 ; already 300 wounded men in Red Cross convalescent homes are finding the work interesting
It's up to you !
Variations on an original theme
(Enigma) played by the BBC Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Kenneth Pickthorn , M.P.
The seventh in this series of short studies will describe the Australian Imperial Forces
Produced by John Glyn-Jones
The second of a new Saturday-night series of special s introducing that lovable character of stage and screen, accompanied this week by Tommy Handley and Jean Colin
Also taking part are Rex Ramer ,
Hugh Morton , and Sid Buckman
Compered by Norman Shelley
The Augmented Dance Orchestra and Revue Chorus directed by Billy Ternent
Programme devised by Harry Alan
Script by Arthur Lucan
Produced by Tom Ronald
Raymond Gram Swing
The music of Montague Phillips
A programme arranged by Gwen Williams with Joan Hammond
Dennis Noble
BBC Theatre Chorus
Trained by Charles Groves
BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Compere, Christopher Stone
A shortened form of Evensong
The story of a song
' You'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye '
A play by Ronald Gow
Produced by James Gibson
sung by Isobel Baillie
To music Ave Maria
On the water
Margaret at the spinning-wheel
and his Band with Harry Davis featuring Beryl Davis , Diane, Bob Dale , Jan Zalski (famous Polish tenor), and Eddie Palmer with his novachord