on gramophone records
by Constance Willis (contralto)
at the theatre organ
Sonata in G minor, Op. 19, for violoncello and pianoforte
1 Lento-AUegro moderato. 2 Allegro scherzando. 3 Andante. 4 Allegro mosso played by James Phillips (violoncello) and Geoffrey Corbett (pianoforte)
Pierrot and Pierrette
from page 113 of New Every Morning'
Answering Listeners' Questions
Ann Hardy
Physical Training (Ages 9-12) (for use in a hall)
Edith Dowling
11.20 Interlude
11.25 Junior English (Ages 9-11)
Stories for Acting:
' The Lost Hundred of Cardigan Bay', a traditional Welsh story written by Myfanwy Howell and adapted for broadcasting by A. Oldfield-Davies
11.40 Talks for Fifth Forms (Ages 15 and over)
Science and the Community
(Planned by J. A. Lauwerys )
' A Good Clock: J. Harrison 's Gridiron'
A programme of light music, with Anne Ziegler , Webster Booth, Dorothy Carless , and the strings of the Television Orchestra
All arrangements by Alan Paul
Presentation by John Burnaby and Alan Paul
Two short stories written for broadcasting by John Gloag and read by the author
from the Houldsworth Hall , Manchester
A pianoforte recital by Nina Milkina
Living in the Country (Ages 9-15)
Water Harnessed: (a) The Water Mill-Edith E. Macqueen
2.15 Interlude
2.20 Preparatory Concert Lessons (Ages 9-15)
Musical Pipes-I: J. W. Horton
2.35 Interlude
2.40 Senior English (Ages 11-15)
'The Bottle Imp', by Robert Louis Stevenson , adapted for broadcasting by William McCallum Clyde , Ph.D.
Some members of the cast of Popplewell's famous Ayr Gaiety production visit the studio this afternoon, including:
Jack Anthony , Bond Rowell , Bob and Alf Pearson , Joy Hayden , Murray Stewart , and the Gaiety Rhythm Band, under the direction of Harry
Presented by Eric Popplewell and Robin Russell
conducted by Eric Fogg
A melodic miscellany, presented by Roy Speer with Adelaide Hall, accompanied by Fela Sowande at the organ, Inga Anderson, Dick Bentley, the Cavendish Three, and the Dance
Orchestra conducted by Billy Ternent
Occasional interruptions by James Dyrenforth
For younger listeners-Nursery rhymes sung by Doris, Charles's Musical
Box, and a fairy story told by Nan
5.15 ' Annabel and Barnacle Bill'
The story of two geese, by Michael Bratby
with Monte Rey , Chick Henderson , Shirley Lenner , and the Loss Chorda from the Astoria Dance Salon, London
Solo violin, David McCallum
Conductor, Ian Whyte
' The Leversuch Family in Billets' by Stephen Potter including dialogue supplied by Mass Observation through its organigers
Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge
at the theatre organ
Tommy Handley presides once more at the Ministry of Fun assisted by Vera Lennox, Jack Train, Maurice Denham, Vernon Harris, Sam Costa, the Cavendish
Three, and the Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent
The show written by Ted Kavanagh and presented by Francis Worsley
A fairy tale retold with words and music by Henry Reed
Produced by David Porter
by. the Rt. Hon. Viscount Halifax, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Violet Loraine
In the songs she made famous with the BBC Theatre Chorus and the BBC Theatre Orchestra
(leader, Tate Gilder )
The programme arranged and conducted by Mark H. Lubbock
Leader, Frederick Grinke
Conductor, Boyd Neel
A comedy by Alfred de Musset
Adapted and translated by Helen Simpson
The scene: A boudoir in the Chavignys' house in Paris
The time: The year 1837. A winter evening
Production by Peter Creswell