to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by 'REVEILLE I
Cheerful gramophone records
Programme summary
Records of Danny Malone, Irish tenor
. one year ago
Popular records of April 1941
plays popular organ music
Scottish Variety Orchestra (conductor, Ronnie Munro ), with Andy Brown , Jae Fraser , Ann Rich , and Ian Gourlay
Programme Parade
Interlude: records
in ' It's That Man Again'. (Recording of last Friday's broadcast)
Charles Smart, with a small orchestra, recalls tunes famous and familiar
Varied items for the Indian troops
with his Orchestra
The story of John Philip Sousa , written by Harry Alan Towers , with the BBC Military Band, conducted by William J. Matthews. Narrator, Tom Dawson
(New series, No. 3). Presented by David Miller and Basil Adams. 'The White Hope of Radio', supported by Jerry Colonna, Ben Gage, Six Hits and a Miss, Frances Langford, and Skinnay Ennis with his Orchestra. (Special recording)
Recording of last night's broadcast
with the Bachelor Girls, Peter Akister
, and George Elliott. Presented by James Moody
Directed by David Wise , with Yvette Darnac (soprano)
3 - 'Loving people who can't bear you': talk by J.T. Christie
Jack White 's Band, under the direction of Jack Lennox
Jeanette MacDonald. Cast includes Cecile Chevreau , Roy Plomley , Gwen Day Burroughs , and Macdonald Parke , with the recorded voices of Nelson Eddy , Alan Jones , Dennis King , and Jeanette Mac Donald herself. Programme written and arranged by Harry Alan Towers. Produced by Charles Maxwell. (Previously broadcast on June 14, 1941)
answering ' Any Questions ? ' Special recording of last Tuesday's session, with Commander Campbell and C. E. M. Joad. Guest experts Dr. Malcolm Sargent ,
Lady Ernest Simon , Geoffrey Crowther. Question Master, Donald McCullough. Produced by Howard Thomas
Play-by-play description for Canadian Forces-and all others interested --of last night's National Hockey League game in Toronto. Relayed by beam telephone, and presented in collaboration with the CBC
Conductor, Stanford Robinson , with Norman Allin and Linda Gray
The famous British film star makes a personal appearance at the microphone
and Interlude
(New series, No. 76). Starring Bebe Daniels , Vie Oliver , Ben Lyon , with Jay Wilbur and his Orchestra, Jack Cooper , and the Henderson Twins. Additional dialogue by Ray Sonin. Produced by Jacques Brown. (Recording of this programme will be broadcast next Thursday at 1.20 p.m. in the Home Service)
The week's news as seen from London, including reviews of new films by Lilian Duff
Community hymn-singing from a chapel in South Wales, conducted by L/Bdr. Gwyn Thomas. Rev. T. H. Morgan also takes part
Topical programme, produced by John Glyn-Jones
with George Betton, Turner Layton, Jack Daly, Caryll and Mundy, and the Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent. Compere, Norman Wooland. Presented by John Sharman
followed by a postscript
Fourth of a new series featuring Ambrose and his Orchestra, with Anne Shelton , Max Bacon , Sam Browne , Leslie Carew , Harold Berens , the Greene Sisters and Norman Bartlett. Introducing : ' Truth or consequence '-' The Musical Back-Room Boys '-' The film critic's scrapbook ' - ' History speaks ' - ' Queer trades '. Presented by Douglas Lawrence
' The Good Shepherd '. Psalm 23 ; St. John 10, vv. 1-16 ; The King of love my shepherd is (S.P. 654); Hebrews 13, vv. 20 and 21
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by 'PENNY DREADFULS '
Gramophone programme written by Ronald Hilbome , to remind you of those glorious days when you had dirty knees or pigtails and read ' The Exploits of Deadwood Dick' and ' The Feud at St. Michael's'
and his Orchestra, with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , George Evans , Derek Roy , and Three Boys and a Girl