to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by 'REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Programme summary
Records of Frank Luther, with the Lyn Murray Quartet
six years ago
Popular records of April 1936
Programme Parade
Madge Campbell Brown (soprano), Donald Mclsaac (baritone), and Jessie MacCallum (violin)
at the organ of the Granada, Tooting
programme of gramophone records devised by G. F. Gray Clarke
and his Orchestra, with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , George Evans , Derek Roy , and Three Boys and a Girl
Recording of last Saturday's broadcast, arranged and directed by Phil Green , featuring Dorothe Morrow , with the Three in Harmony. Presented by Norah Neale
Harry Leader and his Band
on gramophone records
Conductor, Richard Crean
Dance music and songs for the housewife, on gramophone records
ENSA concert for war-workers. R.A.F. Central Band (by permission of the Air Council), conducted by Wing Commander R. P. O'Donnell , M.V.O. Guest- artists, Rawicz and Landauer
Recording of last night's broadcast by Admiral Colvin
Gramophone entertainment presented by Raymond Raikes
and his Orchestra
Conducted by William J. Matthews
Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
Happy, informal half-hour of songs and music by Canadian soldiers, sailors, and airmen from a famous Canadian Forces club in the South. Master of Ceremonies, Gerry Wilmot
Tommy Hope and Jimmy Lang head a programme of Studio Variety, with the Scottish Variety Orchestra, conductor, Ronnie Munro. Presented by Tom Dawson
Famous Victorian operas recalled with gramophone records, by Ronald Hilbome
It would be fairly safe to say that many aspects of the once looked-down-vrpon Victorian era have come into their own during the past year or two. Victorian painters, Victorian novelists, Victorian composers, even, in some cases, the Victorian household furnishers, are being assessed at something like the value many of them deserve.
Apart from the great operas written during the nineteenth century there are others, not perhaps so stately, but nevertheless with charm and character all their own. This afternoon you will hear music from some of these operas, including Maritana, The Bohemian Girl, and The Lily of Killamey.
National and Regional announcements
Requests designed to unite, listeners at home with their relatives and friends serving with the Forces in the East and presented by Sandy Mac pherson at the theatre organ
No. 32, Golf : Henry Cotton, British Open Champion 1934 and 1937. High lights in his career recalled by Bernard Darwin , Raymond Glendenning , and Henry Cotton himself
Adapted for broadcasting by Kenneth C. Betteridge , from the stage play by Miles MaUeson. Scene : Drawing-room of a country house in Surrey. Time : Between one and two a.m.
20-Florrie Forde with Ada Reeve , Joan Young , Doris Nichols , Dick Francis , Hugh Morton , Ian Sadler , and the recorded voices of Flanagan and Allen and Georgie Wood. Revue Chorus and BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas. Script by Jonquil Antony. Produced by Eric Fawcett
in ' It's That Man Again '
No. 21-The Pioneer Corps. Programme of gramophone records, chosen and presented by members of H.M. Forces. L/Cpl. T. Weber , 13050503
and his Band
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by SERGE KRISH SEPTET