An edited telerecording
Percy Thrower's guest today is Thomas Rochford, who discusses indoor foliage plants and gives practical advice on their care, cultivation, and propagation.
Francis Hanger, Curator of the Royal Horticultural Society's Gardens at Wisley, demonstrates the winter pruning of grape vines and shows how to propagate them.
In the greenhouse Percy Thrower sows onion seeds and shows how to set up potatoes for chitting.
(A BBC telerecording)
Who is he?
What is he?
Why is he masked?
In the full-length, action-packed Western you can learn the secret of the man behind the mask - how he met Tonto - and how he came to be the terror of every bad man north of the Rio Grande.
Kenneth Wolstenholme gives today's football, racing, and major sports results.
(to 18.00)
[Starring] Jeannie Carson
Another film in the series about a charming young Scots girl who discovers America. A routine day in the life of a judge is drastically altered when Jeannie decides to see justice done at all costs.
A serial in six episodes by Michael Gilbert.
[Starring] Edward Chapman and William Lucas with Gene Anderson and Sidney James
goes backstage at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London.
A weekly series edited by Peter Webber and Derek Burrell-Davis.
Starring Benny Hill
aided and abetted by Jeremy Hawk, Wallace Greenslade, John Vyvyan
and featuring Katherine Kath, Pia Beck, The Three Deuces with The Tommy Linden Dancers, The George Mitchell Singers.
Written by Dave Freeman and Benny Hill.
See page 7
The television version of the popular sound radio programme.
Drusilla Beyfus, Jack Train, Richard Dimbleby, Anona Winn ask all the questions.
Roy Rich knows some of the answers and Norman Hackforth presents all the objects.
("Twenty Questions" is televised by arrangement with Maurice Winnick)
by Mac Shoub.
The action takes place on the outskirts of a small Italian village. Time, the present
(A telerecording presented by arrangement with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
An early Biograph film drama, whose hero is rescued from the temptations of alcohol.