(to 12.00)
In this film George O'Brien plays the part of a rich young man who goes out West to find adventure.
(to 16.05)
A play by Peter Ustinov.
[Starring] Mary Ellis, Barry Jones
(Second performance: for details see Sunday at 8.30)
A. D. Lacaille, of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, interprets the importance of the recent discovery of superb paintings in the great caves of Lascaux.
by a representative of any minority political party which has fifty or more candidates on Nomination Day.
(Recording of tonight's talk given at 6.15 in the Home Service)
and The Rt. Hon. Clement Davies, K.C. Leader of the Liberal Parliamentary Party.
(Recording of tonight's talk given at 9.15 in the Home Service)
(to 23.05)