(to 12.00)
James Norbury assisted by Jean Jennings illustrates the general principles of lace knitting and shows some examples from his collection of historic knitted garments.
A thriller film directed by Eric Fawcett.
(to 15.55)
Each week a man with an interesting job comes to meet Harold Glover and his schoolboy friends. They talk together and then they watch a film illustrating the work of the man of action.
(The film by courtesy of British Instructional Films)
(to 17.30)
[Starring] Dolores Gray
with Jean Guelis, Rayne and the Bluebell Girls.
A series of films made specially for television by Telefilms of Paris, and directed by John Nasht.
A play by Alfred Shaughnessy.
[Starring] Margaret Leighton with Julien Mitchell
(Second performance: for details see Sunday at 8.30 p.m.)
(Repeat of Wednesday's edition)
(sound only)
(to 22.45)