Berlioz Overture: Waverley - London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Colin Davis
7.16* trad, arr Seiber: Four French folk songs - Robert Tear (tenor),
Timothy Walker (guitar)
7.28* Schumann: Piano Quartet in E flat - Beaux Arts Trio with Samuel Rhodes (Viola)
8.0 News
8.5 Chabrier: España - Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Riccardo Muti
8.12 Ignaz Moscheles: Concertante in F - Aurèle Nicolet (flute), Heinz Holliger (oboe), Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Eliahu Inbal
8.27* Chopin: Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op 50 No 3 - Vladimir Horowitz (piano)
8.33* Tchaikovsky: Fantasy: Francesca da Rimini - Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini
Mendelssohn Symphony movement in C minor, for string orchestra
Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, conducted by Kurt Masur
Rondo capriccioso in E minor: Cziffra (piano) Octet in E flat
Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Ensemble
Janet Craxton (oboe) Nona Liddell (violin) Marilyn Sansom (cello) Alan Harverson (harpsichord) with Neil Jenkins (tenor)
Croft My heart is every beauty's prey : Cantata: Celtadon
C.P.E. Bach Trio - Sonata in A minor
Croft Hymn: Divine Music
Telemann Trio-Sonata in c. minor
Arne Shakespeare settings: When icicles hang by the wall: Under the greenwood tree: When daisies pied
BBC Manchester
MAUGARET NEWMAN (piano) Mozart Sonata in c minor (K 457)
Brahms Rhapsody in G minor. Op 79 No 2
Liszt Sonetto 104 del
Petrarca: Valse Oublige No 1
Elgar Overture: Cockaigne
Delius Brigg Fair
Tchaikovsky Symphony No 6, in B minor (Pathétique)
direct from St George's, Brandon Hill, Bristol
Bochmann Quartet: Michael Bochmann, David Angel (violins), Gustav Clarkson (viola), Sebastian Comberti (cello)
Haydn: Quartet in G. Op 54 No 1
Prokofiev: String Quartet No 2, Op 92
(Concert arranged by St George's Music Trust in association with Imperial Tobacco) BBC Bristol
Opéra-comique in three acts
Libretto by Emile de Najac and Paul Burani
Music by Chabrier (sung in French)
This masterpiece of the opera-comique genre was much admired by the greatest French composers of this century. Ravel once remarked that he would be prouder to have written "Le Roi Malgri Lui" than Wagner's "Ring".
Roger Nichols introduces a programme of music connected with the exotic and irrational entertainment ', but with never a singer in sight or sound.
Sonata No 2. in D Op 94A
Beverley Davison (violin) Harold Lester (piano)
The second of two comedies by THOMAS OTWAY, adapted for radio by PETER BARNES. Music by CHRISTOPHER WHELEN with Denis Quilley as Beaugard, an unattached Captain and Gentleman John Rowe as Courtine, an unhappily married Captain
Sarah Badel as Sylvia, a rejected wife
Anna Massey as Porcia, a bawdy widow
Diana Bishop as Lucrecia, a bawdy spinster
Peter Jones as Daredevil, an atheist
Geoffrey Matthews as Beaugard's father, a bankrupt
1680: London Society has been turned topsy-turvy by hundreds of disbanded Army Officers looking for SEX and money. Some have married; some have avoided the trap. The play follows the attempts of several ladies to ensnare Captain Beaugard and to bring Captain Courtine to his senses.
J. C. Bach Overture: II tutore e la pupilla, directed by CHRISTOPHER HOGWOOD (harpsichord
Mozart Symphony No 15 in G (K 124) directed by JAAP SHRODER (violin) and CHRISTOPHER HOGWOOD (harpsichord): records
Michael Neve , Lecturer in the History of Medicine at University College,
London, reflects on some of the ways we think about language and use it. (Repeated: next Sunday)
Another programme in which the identity of each item is revealed only after it has been heard. This programme is devoted entirely to songs, sung by IAN PARTRIDGE
(tenor) and GRAHAM TITUS (baritone) accompanied by GEOFFREY BUSH. Apologies by GEOFFREY BUSH
Fourth of six readings by Harvey Hallsmith.
Schumann Sonata No 1. from Drei Sonaten für die Jugend. Op 118
Karl Engel (piano) gramophone record