Presented from the North by Ken Ford
BBC Manchester
with Peter Hobday and Michael Stewart with John Timpson in San Francisco for the Democratic Party Convention
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Prayer for the Day
7.0, 8.0 Today's News Read by BRYAN MARTIN
7.25 , 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day Editor juiian HOLLAND
Presenter John Timpson
In recent months Today has ended its Monday morning with special editions from India, from Hungary and from Jordan, as though they were being broadcast to the people of those countries. This morning it's the turn of the residents of San Francisco. There's the news as San Francisco sees it, interviews with people in the news, a review of the local newspapers, sport, weather and travel news and an appropriate Thought for the Day.
A look ahead with Susan Rae
and his guests who meet before an invited audience in the Shakespeare Centre,
Stratford-upon-Avon, as part of the Stratford Festival. Producer IAN STRACHAN Stereo
Mrs Levy Presses On by HILL SLAVID
Read by Cyril Shaps Producer MITCH RAPER
New Every Morning, p 118; God moves in a mysterious way
(BBC HB 8); Psalm 67; Exodus 14, w 15-31; 0 for a faith that will not shrink (BBC HB 310) Stereo
Brian Johnston is in the West Midlands visiting Coventry. Its phoenix-like rise from wartime ashes is symbolised by its two cathedrals, the new lying beside the shattered remains of the old.
Producer JOHN D. WILSON BBC Bristol
Presented by Jenny Joseph Readers HUGH DICKSON and DIANA BISHOP
with Paul Heiney Editor KEN VASS
The Martin Brown Show
'Mr Hospital Radio' himself gets his own show and makes a name for everyone else. Knives drawn by Written by GEOFFREY PERKINS and ANGUS DEAYTON
Additional material by JON CANTER
Presenter Brian Widlake Editor DEREK LEWIS
Kenneth Shanley thinks about food. Written by LEE PRESSMAN Producer PETER HOARE
Introduced by Sue MacGregor including during the week some Talking Points, Your Letters and other topics.
Gospel music has existed in this country for as long as the black community has. But recently it seems to have moved out of the church, into the concert hall, and on to record. JULIA EISNER meets some of the people involved in the changing face of British gospel.
The Public Image (4) Editor SANDRA CHALMERS
The Armenian Purchase by ARNOLD YARROW
Presented by David Crystal Producer ALAN WILDING
The Reverberator by HENRY JAMES abridged in eight parts by DONALD BANCROFT
Read by Kerry Shale (1) In Paris, in the 1880s, a beautiful American girl marrying into 'le haut monde' should never confide in a gossip-columnist!
Producer PAMELA HOWE BBC Bristol
with Gordon Clough and Carole West Editor DEREK LEWIS continued on VHF 5.50-5.55
with PAULINE BUSHNELL including Financial Report
(Repeated: Tuesday 1.40 pm)
Presented by Peter Evans
What is happening in science? A weekly review of discoveries and developments from the world's leading laboratories. Producer CLIFF SPENCER
with Stanley Ellis
2: Yorkshire: Town and Country The speech of the country and small towns to the north and east of York has more in common with that of the Lake District than with the way they talk in the woollen towns ... Producer SIMON ELMES
Campus Blues by ANDREW DAVIES at Westchester Campus was to be one of the high points of Karl's career. Anything, after all, is a step up from Michigan State. Or is it?
Learning is not something they have a lot of time for in Westchester. But the extracurricular activities can be fun, as his wife Sally-Anne discovers.
'Campus blues' sung and performed by MITCH DALTON
Presenter Paul Allen Producer RICHARD DUNN Editor ROSEMARY HART
Among the Russians by COUN THUBRON abridged in ten parts by THE AUTHOR
Read by John Rowe
Colin Thubron travelled across the Soviet Union in an old banger, in which he camped and drove for almost 10,000 miles between the Baltic and Caucasus. 1: Across White Russia Producer JOHN THEOCHARIS
Presented by Richard Kershaw in London and Pete Paterson at the Democratic Party Convention in San Francisco 11.0 Headlines
Editor BLAIR THOMSON on VHF until 11.0
Under Pressure A six-part series
4: The Eastern Approach PAUL HEINEY learns how to meditate in 12 minutes and visits a yoga class. Joining him in the studio to discuss the Eastern approach to stress is DR ILANA GLASS of the Institute of Psychiatry.