Presenters Peter Hobday and Brian Redhead
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Prayer for the Day
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
7.20* Your Letters
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
8.35* Yesterday in Parliament
Sue MacGregor introduces a subject of current interest and invites your calls. Produced by the Woman's Hour unit
Lines open from 8.0 am
In the last of three programmes Larry Harris investigates the work of foreign correspondents. What do they think of Britain and what do they tell their readers around the world?
Read by Mark Mulholland Producer KATHRYN PORTER BBC Northern Ireland
NEM, p 106; All creatures of our God and King (BBC HB 2);
Psalm 85, w 1-7; Exodus 12, vv 21-32; How are thy servants blest, 0 Lord (BBC HB 305) Stereo
By William Ingram
'The biggest damn lottery of them all' is how Gerald Thomas sees his forthcoming marriage. But the boys intend to give him a last night he'll never forget. Whether Lucinda approves or not.
BBC Wales
'Why are there no small birds in my garden this year?'
Peter Ferns , Peter Moore and John Lawton answer some more of your wildlife questions. Presented by Derek Jones Producer MELINDA BARKER BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Saturday 5.0 pm)
Presenter Paul Heiney
17: LONDON-Second Round
Chairman Robert Robinson
Robert Carley (retired teacher) Philip Cowen (lawyer) Ean Wood (film editor) Paul Boeuf
(local government officer) Including Beat the Brains Devised by JOHN p. WYNN
Questions set by IAN GILLIES Producer RICHARD EDIS
(Repeated: Thursday 6.30 pm) Stereo
Presenter Sir Robin Day
Janet Sorensen talks to infant and nursery school children about clothes. Today's theme is Special Occasions
with Sue MacGregor
Cystitis is a painful and debilating condition of many women - passing water is like passing broken glass.'
BARBARA MYERS looks at causes and cures. The Colour of Magic by TERRY PRATCHETT abridged in ten parts by PAT MCLOUGHLIN
Read by NIGEL HAWTHORNE (10) (Music: Adler's Wilderness Suite)
September's Here and I Can't Sing by don
WEBB Donald and Constance would be completely happy with their time-share seaside apartment if it weren't for the neighbours. To break the awful routine which has grown up of endless bridge, home-made wine and cheese straws, Donald resorts to a desperate measure. He's inviting his northern brother-in-law to join them.
Directed by TONY CUFF
BBC Manchester. Stereo
The story of Bailiffscourt compiled and presented by Clive Aslet
In her love of wild flowers Lady Evelyn, a society hostess of the 1920s, may have been ahead of her time. But when she built her new country house entirely in the medieval style, it was as if she had returned to the 14th century. with The Hon Julian Amery , mp, The Earl of Bessborough, Julia Hoskins , Lady Mosley, Lord Moyne, Mrs Amyas Phillips.
Directed by JEREMY MORTIMER Stereo
Bootle Bounces Back 2: Bootle at Breakfast
with Robert Williams and Gordon Clough
with PETER DONALDSON including Financial Report
(Repeated: Wednesday 1.40 pm)
Reporter Stuart Simon Producer PAUL CAMPBELL BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Wednesday 4.0 pm)
Most people vanish during the day into a secret world called work. What they think and feel as they perform these extraordinary but important rituals is familiar to them but remarkable to the rest of us.
Tom Vernon takes you inside someone else's working life. At the Maltings
Producer JENNY DE YONG Stereo
A magazine edition with news of what's happening to wildlife and the countryside.
Introduced by Peter France Producer MICHAEL BRIGHT BBC Bristol
News. views and information for people with a visual handicap.
Presenter Peter White Producer THENA HESHEL
Listeners can phone with enquiries and comments relating to the programme on [number removed]
8.30-10.0 pm
Book, f2.95, from [address removed]
Free quarterly bulletin from [address removed]A; send four large saes for a year's supply
Written and presented by Vincent Kane
A motley crew of Britons are stranded in Rome Airport. To pass the time, each traveller tells a story about himself and gradually a vivid picture emerges of life in contemporary Britain.
The Politician's Tale Producer EU Williams BBC Wales
Richard Mayne presents tonight's edition which includes interviews, news and reviews of films, books, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions. Producer DANIEL DODD
Riceyman Steps (12)
Presenter Alexander MacLeod
11.0 Headlines on VHF until 11.0
Nursing Extra A series of seven programmes designed to supplement a nurse's original training. 5:Care of the Dying'More important than the fact that they are dying is that they are living - it's what quality they have for each day - rather than they are just dying.' Presented by PETER WHITE
Programmes affected by transmitter breakdown earlier in the term may be broadcast. Software Review (2)