with Gerald Priestland
6.55 Weather: programme news
Producer JOCK CALLAGHER BBC Birmingham
with Norman Tozer
7.55 Weather; programme news
Tony Lewis presents his magazine programme.
Show Jumping: the Horse of the Year Show reaches its climax at Wembley today. DEREK THOMPSON takes a different look at the event.
Golf: day three of The Suntory World Matchplay tournament at Wentworth. Interviews with some of the top names.
Plus the rest of the news. Producer JOANNE WATSON
A Radio Sport and OB production
from routine with Bernard Falk. intrepid reporters and enthusiasts with ideas on ways and means of spending your leisure hours. A critical look at the leisure industry and news of things to do and entertainment that simply should not be missed; including a look ahead to the snow-ski season with a special report from the Spanish Pyrenees. Producers JENNY MARSHALL and GEOFF DOBSON
For information sheets, send a large sae to: [address removed]
HELP! page 95
Ann Leslie reviews the weekly magazines.
Producer JOY
' The idea came from a listener.
Those wartime Sunday-night talks by J. B. Priestley , what would they sound like now? Mr Priestley seemed surprised. Cards for his 86th birthday covered the top of the grand piano. He sat on the sofa and thought back 40 years. It had been dicey, he said, but exciting. Alright.
Both the listener who suggested the programme and I would say, rather more.'
When Mr Priestley
Took the Lead: 10.15
More than 1,100 motions were submitted to this year's Conservative Party Conference in Brighton; only 18 were selected for debate. Why were the motions sent in by Doncaster and Nottingham among the 18? What did the representatives from these areas make of the chance to address a national audience? David Coss reports
New Every Morning, page 25; Prayer is the souls sincere desire (BBC HB 347); Psalm 27, pt 1; Hebrews 10, vv 7-25 (AV); Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (BBC HB 460)
with Margaret Howard
Presenter Louise Bolting keeps you in touch with what's happening in the field of personal savings, tax, mortgages, insurance, social security and everyday financial problems.
A Financial World Tonight production
(Repeated: Mon 10.2 am)
A new series of six programmes
The smash-hit TV series
Lesson 42: The Man from The Burkiss Way starring
Jo Kendall , Nigel Rees
Chris Emmett. Fred Harris Written by ANDREW MAR SHALL and DAVID RENWICK Producer DAVID HATCH
(Repeated: Tues 10.30 pm)
12.55 Weather; programme news
The Rt lion Shirley Wil liams. Melvyn Bragg Tim Brinton , mp
The Rev John Bach from Northern Ireland Chairman David Jacobs
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Topics suggested by you - the listener
Introduced by Derek Jones long wave only
by JAMES HILTON , dramatised for radio in two parts by MARGARET SIMPSON. Pt 2 with John Church as Mr Chipping
Although considered a confirmed bachelor by his colleagues and pupils, Mr Chipping has surprised them all by marrying Ratine, a girl 20 years younger than himself. He is looking forward to a long and happy union.
Directed by GRAHAM GAULD (Repeated: Tues 3.2 pm) long wave only
Sixth of seven programmes Peter White investigates a ' skills exchange' scheme among neighbours in Somerset, and looks at a voluntary emergency telephone service for parents in difficulty.
An irreverently critical look back at the week
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news
(Details: Sun 11.15 pm)
Richard Baker presents a , blend of musical entertainment on records. Producer RAY ABBOTT
(Repeated: Wed 11.5 am)
by Bernard Kops
starring Maureen Lipman as Sandra with Peter Woodthorpe and Derek Fowlds
To escape from the cold realities of life in Maida Vale, Sandra lives in the fantasy world of the Hollywood films of her childhood, an obsession shared by her close friend, Stanley. Then one day, she discovers her married lover, Malcolm, is unfaithful to her ..
'What would Joan Crawford do? She would take a sharp, jagged bread-knife. Cut. With a look of grim determination on her face she drives along Finchley Road. Cut.'
But what will Sandra do?
(Repeated: Mon 3.2 pm)
The spirit of the British people united against the Nazi threat is something taken for granted. That mood of defiance needed a voice. J.B. Priestley was second only to Winston Churchill in his ability to inspire. His Postscripts, short talks after the nine o'clock news on Sunday evenings, drew an unprecedented response.
Gillian Reynolds recalls the Postscripts, looks into the reasons for their success, and examines why they suddenly stopped.
Evening prayers led by MICHAEL SHOESMITII BBC Birmingham
The world-famous harpist and teacher talks about his upbringing in North Wales and reflects on his work and career. Including recordings of works especially written for Osian Ellis by Benjamin Britten. Producer TELERI BEVAN
BBC Wales
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude