6.55 Weather: programme news
7.15 Apna Hi Ghar Samaj hiye. BBC Birmingham long wave only
7.45 Bells: long wave only
7.50 The Shape of God
FR MICHAEL HENESY , CSSR, reflects on Luke 19, vv 1-10 long wave only
7.55 Weather: programme news: long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
Religious news
Presenter Clive Jacobs Producer JOHN NEWBURY
JOHN DUNN appeals on behalf of The Foundation for Audio Research, which seeks to ensure that visually handicapped people derive the maximum benefit from audio technology.
Donations to: [address removed]
8.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
A form of Matins from the Parish Church of St Margaret, Westminster
Presiding Minister and Preacher THE REV CANON JOHN AUSTIN BAKER
Lesson: Mark 7, vv 24-37 (AV)
Hymns (Songs of Praise): Ye holy angels (701)
Praise we the Lord (627) Responses (Bernard Rose ) Psalm 139, vv 1-9 Jubilate (Walton)
Anthem: Like as the hart (Howells)
Master of the Music RICHARD HICKOX
Assistant organist IAN WATSON long wave only
Omnibus edition. Directed by CLARE TAYLOR. Producer WILLIAM SMETHURST
Agricultural story editor ANTHONY PARKIN
BBC Birmingham
June Knox-Mawcr meets Dan and Den Jones. recorders in paint and print of London's changing East End: plus weekday highlights.
Dilys Powell and Frank Muir challenge Antonia Fraser and Denis Norden In the chair
John Julius Norwich
Questions compiled by PETER MOORE. Executive producer BOBBY JAYE
(Repeated: Wed 12.27 pm)
Derek Cooper surveys the industry and its products. Today: whatever happened to kippers, kidneys, and kedgeree? Has bran replaced bacon? On the bill of fare, the changing face of the Great British Breakfast.
12.55 Weather; programme news
Presenter Gordon Clough Editor DEREK LEWIS
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
(Details: Wed 10.2 am)
The Adventures of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha by MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, adapted for radio in two parts by JOHN ARDEN. Part 1
Don Quixote dons his rusty armour, mounts his broken-down horse and sets off with Sancho Panza, his faithful squire, to put the world to rights. (Part 2: tomorrow 7.50)
long ivave only
For hundreds of years British craftsmen have designed and made some of the world's most beautiful furniture.
Today John Makepeace carries on that tradition at his workshop and school at Parnham House in Dorset.
Arthur Negus and John Makepeace discuss the art of the cabinet-maker, with Sue MacGregor. Producer SARAH PITT BBC Bristol
long leave only
Strangford Lough
(Details: Thurs 9.30 am) long wave only
Anna Raeburn takes up yoitr comments about BBC programmes and policy. long wave only
The biggest chained library in the world, the biggest cider-makers and the famous Herefordshire cattle are all featured in Brian Johnston 's visit to the cathedral city of Hereford.
Producer ANTHONY SMITH BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Tues 12.20 pm) long wave only
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
In six programmes Bryan Forbes tells the story of British theatrical tradition. 5: Looking for an Audience
'When I was at rada Claude Rains felt sorry for me, which endeared him to me very much, and he said " Don't waste your time here, you'll only get the sack and it'll break your heart. Go out and find an audience ". And I thought it was a wonderful thing to say to a terrible, awful-looking. hot-handed, pimple-faced actor with obviously nowhere to go.'
A magazine of special interest to disabled listeners with countrywide news and views on all matters of concern to them and their families. Presenter Marilyn Alan Reporter KEVIN MULHERN
Citizens' Advice Bureau Phone-in: Mon 2.0-4.0 pm [number removed], Ext 2531
Correspondent address: BBC. Broadcasting House, London W1A 4WW
Six programmes
2: European Court of Justice
In future in transactions which cross the frontiers we must no longer speak or think of English law as something on its own.
One of the little-known by-products of .Britain's entry into the Common Market was the imposition on our law of a new court, against whose judgments there is no appeal: the European Court of Justice at Luxembourg. Gradually judges from nine different countries are changing British laws about, among other things, equal pay and business practices. How does this strange court work? How does it surmount differences of language and legal tradition? Is British law being taken over by an alien code?
Among those discussing these questions with Hugo Young are two judges of the court, LORD MACKENZIE STUART and PIERRE PESCA-TORE, Advocate-General JEAN-PIERRE WARNER, LORD DENNING. LORD SCARMAN, LORD JUSTICE TEMPLEMAN and.ANTHONY LESTER, QC. Producer ANNE SLOMAN
For Harvest
A sequence introduced by Barney Milligan. Canon of St Alban's Cathedral Readers JILL BALCON and GARY WATSON with the ST MARGARET 'S WESTMINSTER SINGERS directed by RICHARD HICKOX Organist THOMAS TROTTER Producer HUBERT HOSKINS
(Music recorded in St Alban's Church, Holborn)
by Gerald Pricstland
(Details: Thurs 11.35 am)
with Frank Delaney
(Details: Thurs 4.5 pm)
by J.B. Priestley
(Details: Thurs 4.35 pm)
9.58 Weather
Will you please watch the ITMA script a little more closely with regard to dirtf On one or two occasions recently you have been overstepping the bounds. The ' stick it up ' gag last week was a case in point.
Throughout the Second World War the nation may have laughed at Tommy Handley , Mrs Handley 's boy ', and at the other characters of radio's most successful comedy show, but behind the scenes BBC officials agonised over what should and should not be permitted on the air. Gordon Snell tells the extraordinary story based on documents in the BBC Written Archives, together with extracts from the original radio broadcasts. With DOUGLAS BLACKWELL , MARTIN FRIEND, GARARD GREEN, ROGER HAMMOND , GODFREY KENTON. PEGGY PAIGE and EVA STUART
The late evening Office of Compline
followed by an interlude
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude