News. weather, papers and sport
Market prices and intelligence, the weather and what's new for farmers
6.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Presenter John Timpson With PAUL BURDEN
6:45* Prayer for the Day With THE REV JOHN SMITH
7.0, 8.0 Today's News Read by DILLY BARLOW
7.30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
2: Killed at Resaca
Ned Sherrin presides over 55 minutes of live interviews, reviews and gentle mischief.
Including RUSSELL DAVIES 'S look at The Week So Far Producer IAN GARDHOUSE long wave only from 9.35
long wave only
KEN FORD invites GEOFFREY SMITH bill SOWERBUTTS and PROFESSOR ALAN GEMMELL to answer questions which listeners have sent in. Questions should be on postcards only please and addressed to: Gardeners' Question Time, BBC, Woodhouse Lane , Leeds LS2 9PX
BBC Manchester
long wave only
Book Down the Garden Path, £3.50, aratlable from bookshops
nem, p 93; 0 God, thou art my God alone (BBC HB 468); Psalm 90, vv 1-6. 12-17; Mark 13, vv 1-13 (rsv); City of God, how broad (BBC BB 173)
Gentleman and Ladies (8) long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
Presenter Jenni Mills
Marital black comedies starring Betty Marsden and Hugh Paddick
6- Home and Abroad with Tammy Ustinov Steven Pacey and Ron Pember
11.55 Weather; programme news
Presenter Robin Day
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Introduced by Chris Mohr Guest of the Week:
William Plowden , Director-General of the Royal Institute of Public Administration.
All About ... (5) The More Unusual Dairy Products: GYN FREEMAN talks to Cookery Editor ALEX BARKER about yoghurt. buttermilk and sour cream.
Songs of Refuge: CHRISTOPHER TERRILL heard the Acholi tribe of Equatona sing about their years m exile.
What Shall We Tell the Children(3)AboutDitiorce: DAVID HAWKSWORTH talks to a family about the breakup of a marriage.
MrsMiniver by JAN STRUTHER , abridged in six parts by PAT MCLOUGHLIN Read by FAITH BROOK (6)
(Music: Glazunov's Saxophone Concerto) long wave only
Story: Gilbert the Ostrichby JANE HOLIDAY
by Jeremy Tiptaft
Machiavellian landlord Arnold Cope enlists the aid of conservative traditionalist tenants Maurice and Lolly to displace Irish left-wing mechanic O'Brien from the flat above.
A titanic comic battle of wills in a decaying London back-street ensues - but are Maurice and Lolly fighting on the side of right?
from Carlisle Cathedral
Introit: Cantate Domino (Pitoni)
Responses (Smith)
Psalm 119, w 1-32 (Martin, Buck, Lemon, Camidge)
Canticles (Walford Davies in G)
Readings (Rsv): II Kings 3, vv 4-24; Acts 17, vv 1-15 Anthem: The plum-and-wasp is boiling in the kitchens (Bourgeois)
Hymn: God. whose farm (Gott will's machen)
Organist and Master of the Music ANDREW SEIVE-WRIGHT. Assistant organist HUGH DAVIES
BBC Manchester
Read by Mary Wimbush
Mrs Fisher wanted to be friendly, but she felt as she had many times, as if John had laid a hand on her arm as he used to do during their 17 years of married life, and then she had known she had to draw back.
Robert Williams and Joan Bakewell
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news
including Financial Report
Sounds and scenes from a past year challenge the memories of residents: Terry Wogan and Ann Meo
Guests Peter Hobday and Irene Thomas
Chairman Richard Stllgoe Questions set by MARGARET HOWARD
Producer HELEN FRY
(Repeated: Thurs 1.40pm)
A weekly investigation into accusations of unfairness, fraud and injustice
Presented by Roger Cook
Derek Cooper chairs the phone-in discussion and invites you to exchange views with guests Producer JANE MARSHALL BBC Birmingham
Lines open from 6.30 pm
The Electronic Church
One third of all Americans now proclaim themselves ' Born Again ' Christians. Such is the growing importance of the movement, that all three Presidential carididates claim to have seen the light. America is, in fact, undergoing a religious revival almost as dramatic as the Islamic revolution.
The message in the United States may be Old Testament gospel, but the medium is very much of the electronic age. One new evangelical radio station opens every week; a new television station every month.
David Henshaw reports from America's sophisticated West Coast, where last week a 22-acre Shopping Centre for Jesus Christ opened for the salvation of souls.
Producer MAX EASTERMAN Editor COLIN ADAMS BBC Manchester
Prix Italia Paul Vaughan reports from Riva del Garda on the competition for the most coveted awards in broadcasting. Plays, documentaries, and music programmes are entered from broadcasting networks throughout the world. Directors and producers gather to discuss ideas and winning entries. Producer ANNE WINDER
9.59 Weather
Douglas Stuart reporting with voices and opinions from around the world
Can You Forgive Her.' (8)
Edward Cole presents musical nostalgia for late-night listening long wave only
Weather report; forecast long wave only followed by an interlude