News, weather, papers, sport
Presented from East Anglia by David Richardson
A regional view of farming in the week ahead
BBC Norwich
Introduced by Brian Redhead
With Hilary Osborn
including at:
6.45* Prayer for the Day
With The Rev Leslie Stokes
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
Read by Harriet Cass
7.30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
by COLETTE translated by HELEN BEAUCLERB : Read by Rosemary Leach «)
The live talk programme which takes its own distinctive look at some of the topics and personalities of the forthcoming week.
Studio quests join Mavis Nicholson, Kenneth Robinson and Fritz Spiegl for an unpredictable 55 minutes of argument, humour and some music, all of which is intended to start your week off in fine style.
'Why does the daddy-Iong-tegs need such iong legs?' The team answers your questions. Introduced by Derek Jones
BBC Bristol
(medium wave only)
NEM, pl7: Come thou long-expected Jesus (BBC HB 30); Psalm 33, vv 13-21; Luke 23, vv 13-31 (NEB); The Church of God a kingdom is (BBC HB 183)
by Dorothy K.Haynes
Read by Shirley Dixon
(medium wave only)
John Timpson scours Soho for Lord Gnome, Grovel, E.J. Thribb, Slicker, Blackleg and the rest of the pseudonyms masking the contributors of gossip, satire and original investigative journalism that make up the fortnightly Private Eye.
Are its uncomfortable exposures of private lives, private dealings, and its occasional libels, in the public interest; and how far has pure gossip submerged high journalistic standards?
(Repeated, Tuesday 8.00 pm)
(medium wave only)
11.50 Announcements (medium wave only)
News and information that affects the way you live, including today The World of Work.
A general knowledge contest between schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. First Round: 1: South of England LITTLE HEATH SCHOOL, READING v WALLINGFORD SCHOOL, OXFORDSHIRE
Questionmasters TIM GUDGIN and JOHN ANTHONY
Questions set by ROY SMITH
(Repeated, Thursday; 6.30 pm) 12.55 Weather; programme news medium wave only
Presented by Brian Widtake Sequence editor MREK LEWit
Introduced by Sue MacGreger TothTtttTtco: a discussion on amatter of current concern. t.t:.! Newt Borbara Carttand Sjno <; and talks about love and lovers. Readtnp Your Letters.
Anstreritip Your Questions: Rep)ies to some of those received but not aired in recent TuMdox Cat) programmes.
Eton Teashop by PEG HOPE-JONEI abridged in nve parts by PAT MCLOUGHL !N and read by Mary Wimbush (1) More than 30 years ago. Peg Hope Jonea helped to run a teashop in Eton High Street. Her partner, and the originat owner of the teashop, was t toveabte and genuine English eccentric of 70 plus - CMoe.
(Music: Kreister't String Quartet)
Editor WYN KNOWLM medium mope ontj; Jrom !.*
Story: Penny's Paper People by Jill Rowe
(medium wave only)
.(BroodcMt on Satufdo)/ o< 8.30)
A short story by Alun Richards
Read by William Squire
Producer Teleri Bevan
BBC Wales
Presented by Gordon Clough and Rachael Heyhoe-Flint
Sequence editor DEREK LEWIS
5.55 Weather; programme news
medium wave only
Including Financtal Report
by Donald Bull
New stories about the characters created by A.J. Cronin
with Andrew Cruickshank as Dr Cameron, Barbara Mullen as Janet, Bill Simpson as Dr Finlay
This week: How the World Goes Round
(Repeated: Wed 12.27 pm)
(Andrew Cruickshank is a National Theatre player)
(Repeated.- TuMdo); 1.30 pm)
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the countries they work m - the politics and the people.
; 10.< am) tnedtum MOM onto
with Ian Hogg, Elizabeth Spriggs, Virginia Stride, and Jerome WilIis as
Talleyrand, Prince of Traitors written by David Pinner
"From the outset, I made it abundantly clear that Liberty, Order and Peace were the prime goals of all true statesmen. But the moment those statesmen reneged on the implicit trust the French nation had bestowed upon them, I used all the means at my disposal.... topple the offenders from their high thrones. And while they sank l survived."
Directed by MICHAEL ROLF
BBC Birmingham
(Repeated: Sunday 1.30 pm)
byAntheny Smith
A nightly review of books, films, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions. Presenter Paul Vaughan.
Jehn Tusa reporting
by John Le Carre adapted for radio in five parts by Rene Basilico starring George Cole as George Smiley, Alfred Burke as Mendel and Douglas Blackwell as Peter Guillam
Smiley has to conduct the investigation into the Fennan case from a hospital-bed. leaving Mendel to do the 'leg-work' - which includes a visit to the theatre.
BBC World Service production
The House with the Green Shutters by GEORGE BOUGLAS BROWN
Abridged for radio in 16 parts by STEPHEN MULRINE
Read by John Shedden Producer TOM KINNINMONT BBC Scottand medium wave only
medium wave only
Weather report and forecast followed by an interlude