Introduced by Sue MacGreger TothTtttTtco: a discussion on amatter of current concern. t.t:.! Newt Borbara Carttand Sjno <; and talks about love and lovers. Readtnp Your Letters.
Anstreritip Your Questions: Rep)ies to some of those received but not aired in recent TuMdox Cat) programmes.
Eton Teashop by PEG HOPE-JONEI abridged in nve parts by PAT MCLOUGHL !N and read by Mary Wimbush (1) More than 30 years ago. Peg Hope Jonea helped to run a teashop in Eton High Street. Her partner, and the originat owner of the teashop, was t toveabte and genuine English eccentric of 70 plus - CMoe.
(Music: Kreister't String Quartet)
Editor WYN KNOWLM medium mope ontj; Jrom !.*