BBC Birmingham
7.45 Bells
7.50 Sunday Reading
MICHAEL MCCLAIN reads poems of St John of the Cross
7.55 Weather, programme news
8.10 Sunday Papers
Presented by Clive Jacobs Producer JOHN NEWBURY
RICHARD BAKER appeals on behalf of The Music Therapy Charity Ltd The Nordoff Music Therapy Centre at Goldie Leigh Hospital. Woolwich, needs money for its work with severely handicapped children and to train more therapists. Donations to: [address removed]
8.55 Weather, programme news
9.10 medium only
Sunday Papers
medium only from Winchester College Chapel Conducted by THE REV PAUL BATES. Preacher THE REV PROFESSOR HOWARD ROOT
Third of four Lenten Services on the theme ' Deliver Us from Evil '. 3: Is God Responsible?
Hymns (English Hymnal): Christian, dost thou see them (72); 0 God of earth and altar (562); Reading: Job 1, vv 1-12 (NEB); Anthem: Hear my prayer. 0 Lord (Purcell)
medium only
Derek Robinson presents listeners' letters on all aspects of radio - some sweet, some sour, some sorted.
Send your comments to: "Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells", BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
BBC Bristol
Presented by Peter Hobday and Louisa Botting
The programme that aims to help you follow the ins and outs of personal finance. Featuring each week The Man Behind Your Money.
Today: Sir Idwal Pugh Ombudsman
A Financial World Tonight production
Peter Ustinov reads extracts from his best-selling autobiography, adapted in nine parts by Jack Singleton
1: "I weighed nearly 12 pounds as a consequence of a reluctant and tardy birth. Once I had actually been cajoled to enter this world, I apparently behaved as though I had never hesitated and held up my head to look round, even when suspended by my feet like a bat."
Michael Charlton chairs the first in a new phone-in series which offers you the chance to debate with the men or women in the news, or with other Radio 4 listeners.
BBC Birmingham
The lines are open from 10.30 am
(For details see Tues 10.30 pm)
12.55 Weather, programme news
Presented by Gordon Clough
A four-part series in which Anne Suter investigates the profession of public speaking. 2: Perils and Pleasures
Lady Barnett, Anna Raeburn. Peter Bull and Preston Lock-wood describe their experiences on the British lecture circuit. Producer MADEAU STEWART (Repeated: Friday 8.10 pm)
medium only
Bethune hy ROD LANGLEY with and Who is the Canadian doctor whose face appears on a Communist Chinese postage stamp? The answer to this Mastermind question is: Dr Norman Bethune. the climax of whose career was his heroic service in Mao's medical corps during the war with the Japanese. Bethune is a true story about a dynamic surgeon and a perplexing man. Directed by BRIAN MILLER BBC Bristol
Arthur Negus and Bernard Price discuss listeners' questions With HUGH SCULLY. Producer PAMELA HOWE BBC Bristol
What's in a Name?
Did you hear the Turdus merula singing this morning? Is there a Primula vulgaris flowering in your garden? And why do scientists choose to disguise our familiar blackbird and primrose under these uncouth labels? Today's programme looks at the hows and whys of scientific names, and the intriguing and often entertaining stories which lay behind them
Introduced by Peter France Producer DILYS BREESE BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Wednesday 9.5
Unidentified Non-Flying Objects: KEVIN MULHERN talks about some of the hazards of his daily life.
Presented by Peter White Producer THENA HESHEL
Brian Johnston recently visited Nailsworth in Gloucestershire Producer ANTHONY SMITH
BBC Bristol
5.55 Weather, programme news
Omnibus Edition
Script editor CHARLES LEFEAUX Producer TONY SHRYANE BBC Birmingham
' If I'd panicked, I wouldn't be here today. I got my hand right up through the snow, made a hole in the snow like a periscope, and I said. That's God's fresh air," and that's what saved me.'
' like the animals - all animals really - so it was quite disheartening to see them all dead. They were all squashed, the weight of the snow was that heavy on them.'
During the last weekend in January, the north of Scotland suffered its worst blizzard in living memory. This is the story of some of the men and women who lived through it, told in their own words in interviews recorded specially for the programme.
Mendelssohn Overture: A Midsummer Night's Dream
8.14* Franck Symphonic Variations
8.31* Mozart Symphony No 39, in E flat major (K 543) BBC Manchester
by Thomas Hardy
(For details see Tuesday 3.5)
The National Theatre's selection chosen by RICHARD MANGAN Readers: WARREN CLARKE SHANE CONNAUGHTON
The second of four meditations during Lent by THE REV DONALD COLE , Rector of St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh.
Weather report and forecast followed by an interlude