6.22 Farming Today
6.40 Prayer for the Day REV PAUL BARBER
The world this morning introduced bv Robert Robinson and Douglas Cameron
Travel news, What's on and Keep Fit with EILEEN FOWLER
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.0 News and more of Today including at 7.25 Sportsdesk, at 7.35* Todays Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50 medium wave onlu Travel news
7.55 Weather, programme news
8.0 News and more of Today fn nc1 urg eat T8 0d25 ysportsd esk: at 8.35* Today's Papers
(Shortened version of Saturday's broadcast)
New Every Morning (new edition) p 46; Christ who knows all his sheep (BBC hb 507); Psalm 119, part 4; 1 Samuel 3, v 11 to 4. v la (NEB); I to the hills will lift mine eyes (BBC hb 459)
Bath Night by george TAYLOR Read by Geoffrey Banks
■You'll be bathed with the kids and I help to bath them.' That was how it all began. The thought of Margaret seeing him without clothes filled him with a terror greater than his loneliness.
Producer HERBERT smith .(Manchester)
Liza Minnelli
Liza with a why? PETER CLAYTON tries to find the answers to one of the great international success stories of the 70s. Producer BOBBY JAYE
A weekly look at people who are happy at their work. The Music Teacher - EVELINE WIBAUT
Presenter Joan Yorke Health and Welfare
In response to great popular demand
Relax - and Enjoy It: JANE MADDERS gives the first of six sessions of relaxation for everyday life.
Illustrated book, Relax, available from booksellers, price 65p
Weather, programme news
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by Robert Williams
from 2.0
Introduced by Sue MacGregor Talk till Two.
2.0-2.2 News
Shopping Across the Water: a day trip to Calais byHovercraft. Mrs Gaskell and the Brontes: WINIFRED gerin adds a footnote to the current serial.
The Life of Charlotte Bronte by MRS GASKELL abridged and read by DELIA PATON
Story: David Goes Shopping by E. J. FARRINGTON
The Missing Witness by JAMES FAIRFAX
The life and times of a broadcaster-about-town
4.0-4.5 News
A Gentleman of France by STANLEY WEYMAN
Read by JOHN SAMSON 4: Baron de Rosny
The news magazine: presented by Robert Williams and PM's reporting team
5.50 Stock Market report
5.55 Weather, programme news
(Tuesday's broadcast)
(Repeated: Friday, 1.30 pm)
Gerald Priestland presenting world news and views
A selection of listeners' letters continuing the discussion in last Friday's Any Questions? Introduced by david JACOBS Producer ROY HAYWARD
(Repeated: Friday, 4.5 pm)
Write to Any Answerst, BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
The raid on Coventry on 14 November 1940 was a new and terrible step forward in air bombardment and added a new word to the language - to 1 coventrate ' or totally destroy a city.
The Face of Phase Three
Britain prepares to enter stage three in the Government's plan to curb inflation. But how acceptable are the measures proposed, and how sound are the assumptions on which they are made?
Andrew Shonfield chairs a discussion about the economic controls and compromises which will affect Britain's economy in the coming months
John Tusa reporting with voices and opinions from around the world, including International Business Report with at 10.25* Market Trends
Wheel Fortune by KAREN CAMPBELL
Read by ANN MORRISH (4)
A nightly review of the arts and science
People, ideas, events - opinion and discussion
Introduced tonight by Gordon Snell
preceded by Weather