6.32 Farming Today
Outlook: reflecting matters of Christian interest and concern
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.10 On Your Farm: a weekly review of the agricultural scene Producer ANTHONY PARKIN (Birmingham)
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Outlook
Introduced by Michael Aspel
Travel news and What's on 7.55 Weather, programme news
8.0 News and more of Today including Sportsdesk; at 8.30* Sports Spot; at 8.40* Today's Papers
9.5 From Our Own Correspondent
9.30 The Week in Westminster Parliamentarians discuss the week's business with PATRICK COSGRAVE
10.0 News
10.2 The Weekly World
BRIAN CONNELL reviews what the weeklies have to say with illustrations read 4y ROY WILLIAMSON
New Every Morning (new edition) p 21; Jesus, where'er thy people meet (BBC Hymn Book 263); Psalm 15; 1 Samuel 1, vv 1-11 (NEB); Rise up, 0 men of God! (BBC HB 364)
11.30 Announcements
Introduced by PETER JONES
News and prospects of the day's sport, featuring: Football in England and Scotland: Racing at Cheltenham; International Rugby Union, Wales v Australia; and Rugby League (Sport on 2: from 2.2 pm)
Presenter Roger Cook You and Your Time
Gardening Column: with concrete ideas from NIGEL MURPHY , JOHN WARREN and the Concrete Research Centre; what to do this month; and looking towards next summer - how about a patio - cheap?
A general knowledge contest between schools in England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland. Questionmasters
First Round
3: Home Counties
Questions set by ROY SMITH Producer MARTIN FISHER
(Repeated: Friday, 6.15 pm)
Weather, programme news
A spontaneous discussion by Alastair Burnet , Jacky Gillott Tim Rice , Tom Jackson Chairman David Jacobs Producer MICHAEL BOWEN from Winsford, Cheshire
Introduced by Judith Chalmers Guest Roy Hudd
The week in Woman's Hour.
New Shoes, New Legs, New Arms: WYN KNOWLES visits a remote orthopaedic centre in Ghana where DEIRDRE HAWKINS works mostly with children.
What the European papers say. Lord of The Golden Horn: NOEL BARBER talks about his book on the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
A Bit of Singing and Dancing by SUSAN HILL abridged by BA MASON Read by BAY WHITE
Mr Upjohn
A comedy for radio by MICHAEL HARDWICK with Geoffrey Bayldon
' Mr Upjohn said he could live on fresh air - and very nearly had to.'
John Dunn introduces the Saturday show for young listeners.
Rex Radio
by Alexander Guyan
With Nigel Lambert, Garard Green and Jo Manning Wilson
Producer Michael Rolfe
4.5 Animals Unlimited
Introduced by Phil Drabble
Of all the millions of insect species, which is the largest? How high can a flea jump? How many locusts in a swarm? - Stephen Sutton looks up the records.
You can also take a splash with some otters: peer into a woodpecker's hole, and hear about keeping this month's pet - the hamster.
Producer Dilys Breese (Bristol)
4.25* New Films
Sarah Forbes looks at the new releases.
4.30* Duke Diamond
A space fiction serial stretching to the end of nowhere in the great eternity of forever by Robin Smyth
Radiophonic special sounds and music by Dick Mills
The year is 2473. To defend themselves against attack by aliens from distant galaxies, the people of the six planets (Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury and Mars) have set up a gigantic space station on the moon. It is the HQ of the Department of Interplanetary Justice.
Play produced and programme edited by Graham Gauld
4D annual, 80p: see page 90
A second chance to hear the best from the week's editions... Introduced by Gordon Snell Producer TONY GOULD
Weather, programme news
A nationwide look at the stories behind the day's headlines.
Trevor Philpott, television reporter, discusses with Roy Plomley (in a recorded programme devised by him) the gramophone records he would take to a desert island.
Royal Wedding Edition Records introduced by Richard Baker , who says:
by James Follett.
With Vernon Joyner, Manning Wilson, Francis de Wolff, Cyril Shaps.
'This is the first escape from one of our maximum security sanatoriums. And there might be another.... Are all the prisoners housed in this block?'
'We prefer to call them patients.'
Produced by Margaret Etall
(Repeated: Monday, 3.5 pm)
9.58 Weather
Gillian Tindall
Dr Jack Dominian
Professor Harry Street in conversation with Brian Redhead
Producer MICHAEL GREEN (Manchester)
A Meditation for Remembrance Day compiled and introduced by H. COLIN DAVIS with Edward Woodward and Jill Balcon
The First World War seen through the eyes of a man and woman. Producer ANGELA TILBY
preceded by Weather