Animated adventures of the clumsy polar bear. Bernard learns taekwondo, considering it the best way to retrieve his property. Show more
It's all-girl action for Graham as model and TV star Katie Price brings him up to date with her life, Jo Brand is in the comedy chair, and Jackie Collins talks about her new book. Show more
Detailed weather forecast.
Anne Robinson, Matt Allwright and Anita Rani take on the names and businesses letting viewers down. Matt catches out Rogue Traders and a guest reporter is tested on their rights. Show more
Four chefs tackle a skills test of butterflying prawns and a palate test of making pesto, with the top three then required to make two dishes in 50 minutes. Show more
Si and Dave explore Staffordshire where they find some of the happiest free-range hens in the county and pick their own fruit and vegetables. Show more