Animated adventures of Bernard the Polar Bear. Bernard goes to the gym and starts training enthusiastically - until he discovers the equipment has a life of its own.
The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by Weather.
Detailed weather forecast.
Anne Robinson, Matt Allwright and Anita Rani right consumer wrongs. Guest reporter Alastair Campbell unpicks a scam that has targeted hundreds of people - including himself. Show more
Science series. Jem Stansfield tests new braking systems, Liz Bonnin looks into the origins of speech and Dallas takes part in a sea race with Dame Ellen MacArthur. Show more
Nick Knowles presents as the budding wildlife film-makers face two big shocks in their bid to win a job at the BBC's prestigious Natural History Unit. Show more
Four chefs have to earn the right to cook for Michel Roux Jnr by demonstrating their expertise with a skills test of spatchcocking a poussin and a palate test of making lemon curd. Show more
The Hairy Bikers' Food Tour of Britain
Episode 17: Leicestershire
45 minutes on BBC One Channel Islands
Si King and Dave Myers explore Leicestershire, where they cook a traditional county favourite at Leicester Market. They also taste the king of cheeses, Stilton. Show more
BBC One joins the BBC's rolling news channel for a night of news, with bulletins on the hour and the headlines every 15 minutes.